September 16, 2019
 In 2022-Inequality in International Criminal Prosecutions

Country: Indonesia
Delegate Name: Claire Williams

Legal Committee
Inequality In International Criminal Prosecutions
Republic of Indonesia
Claire Williams
Forest Hills Eastern

The negative effect of inequality in international criminal prosecutions caused the most crimes committed in the twentieth century, because of the high crime cases. The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established on July 17, 1998, to prevent further mass genocide, international wars and etc. The ICC created a permanent organization to prosecute the most serious crimes committed in their territory. One specific effect of the ICC is The Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals from World War II. In 1945, the Allied powers led the trial of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. They accused the Axis powers of torture and planned murder. On trial, the victors set standards for crimes against humanity, and enforced international law. The United Nations General Assembly created the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide a permanent group to stop deals of this from ever happening again. The Cold War, however, created international criminal justice. The United Nations at the end of the Cold War introduced ad hoc tribunals. The ad hoc tribunals were created by the United Nations Security Council to stop any crimes like the ones in Yugoslavia and in Rwanda. The event of the Cold War was a major factor in the ICC and later created the ICC in the summer of 1998.

The Republic of Indonesia helped partake actively in the creation of the International Criminal Court. Indonesia sent a delegate to the Rome Diplomatic Conference in July 1988, where the Rome Statute was created. The Rome Statute is a treaty created by the ICC allowing states which have jurisdiction over it to prosecute or investigate the perpetrators of international crimes. Indonesia did not sign or ratify the Rome Statute, understanding the nation already has the legal instruments necessary to protect the citizens. Since Indonesia did not sign the Rome Statute, the ICC looks at Indonesia as a non-state party. As such, Indonesia does not have any help or connections to the ICC. Indonesia has tried multiple times to ratify the Rome Statute but has missed the deadline twice in 2000 and 2005 to commit to the Human Right Action Plan of Indonesia.

The Republic of Indonesia has not taken any action against the UN and has remained very silent about inequality in international criminal prosecutions. Indonesia wishes to stay sovereign and not reliant upon other countries for diplomatic issues. Indonesia has taken some actions nationally with the government investigating and prosecuting officials who committed an abuse of human rights. UN concerns about human right abuse in Indonesia helps bring light to the abuse of human rights all over the Indonesian islands.