September 16, 2019
 In 2022-Inequality in International Criminal Prosecutions

Country: Spain
Delegate Name: Meredith McDonough

Approaching the consequences of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity is nothing short of difficult. The year 2004, the ICC (International Criminal Court) established itself through the foundation of the Roman Statute, its institutional treaty. Its main strive is ending all impunity and ensuring proper rulings for perpetrators of criminal offenses at the international level. Within doing this, the organization has made a considerable amount of advancements within the rule of law through its independent and impartial position, as well as being the first international law system to focus predominantly upon victims of these crimes, allowing victims participation throughout the duration of proceedings, as well the formation of Trust Funds for Victims. As of November 2012, the ICC has received more than 12,000 applications for participation in the proceedings, and over 80,000 recipients were able to receive assistance from the Trust Fund and alongside local and international partners. The organization’s values coincide with the UN’s overarching purpose of maintaining international peace and security, this is evident through the creation of the formal UN-ICC Relationship Agreement form, stating the cooperation of the two groups, and still maintained within the UN’s legal security council today.

July 18, 1998, Spain signed the treaty of the Roman Statue, followed by depositing their instrument of ratification within October 2000. By doing this, Spain declared publicly that they will continue to support the efforts of the ICC and further implement and follow their legislation practices within international proceedings. The country of Spain is highly active in the issue of human rights, this is demonstrated through its membership in the Human Rights Council from both 2011 to 2013 and 2018 to 2020. Within this council, the country spoke publicly regarding its stance on eradicating the death penalty, alongside its push towards law reform. Spain has also contributed to the UN’s establishment of policies regarding gender rights and discrimination. These individual efforts coincide with the ICC’s focus on distinct gender-based crimes. Their signature and ample support of the statute further express Spain’s willingness to participate in efforts of dismantling past injustice, as well as address accusations regarding the ICC’s disproportionate rulings.

The country of Spain believes in just and proper rulings for perpetrators of criminal offenses, therefore suggesting that proper measures and investigations be conducted upon the disproportionate violations within Africa and other countries whose rulings were conducted unjustly by the ICC. Additionally, based on Spain’s position in the Human Rights Council, and the United Nations’ formation of policies, Spain would like to see more support from states towards the ICC, in order to ensure that fair treatment and representation for victims is given to its full extent.