September 16, 2019
 In 2023-De-escalation of Sectarian Conflict

Country: Sudan
Delegate Name: Shephard Bower

Sectarianism is defined as a narrow‐minded obedience to a particular sect (political, ethnic, or religious). Sectarianism often leads to conflicts between people of different sects. Sectarianism is present in most interstate and intrastate conflicts, but the United Nation’s (UN’s) role in these conflicts is very unclear. This issue is made difficult because sectarian violence is often committed by groups that are outside of the state government’s control. The UN may have control over the actions of member states, but it can not control the groups that are not controlled by the states. However, when states attempt to assert domestic jurisdiction without the aid of the UN, many citizen casualties occur. What complicates the issue even more is conflicts that seem internal may have international conflicts. UN involvement could undermine the authority of these states in the future..

Sudan has had many sectarian conflicts, even before it was officially recognized as a country. Sudan is currently in a sectarian conflict between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces. Sudan has made steps to help stop sectarian conflicts, including signing the comprehensive peace agreement in 2005 to end the second Sudanese civil war. If they are not managed, sectarian conflicts can move outside domestic borders and hurt regional stability and development. Sudan believes that it is necessary to determine the main cause of sectarian conflicts in order to aid in de-escalating them. The republic of Sudan believes that cooperation between many countries in the United Nations is needed to help minimize these tensions and prevent further damage.

To de-escalate sectarian conflicts, Sudan proposes an involved solution. First, as an affected nation, Sudan calls for international cooperation and communication between UN member nations in order to locate and take action against sectarian conflicts. Second, Sudan believes that the UN should promote economic development in states affected by sectarian conflicts. The UN should enact specific economic policies and send monetary aid to states caught in sectarian conflicts in order to keep their economies from collapsing. Third, Sudan calls for the UN to send humanitarian and military aid to regions of countries affected by sectarian conflicts in order to establish peace. Finally, Sudan affirms that the UN should find a way to balance states’ interests with the protection of people from sectarian. Sudan is open to all solutions that call for the UN to address sectarian conflicts, send aid to the regions affected by them and help combat them. Sudan looks forward to working with its fellow delegates in order to find a solution to this conflict.