September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Access to Water and Sanitation

Country: Mexico
Delegate Name: Andrew Dylenski

Billions of people lack access to clean drinking water and sanitation. These are vital to human health and help contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Over the past century, global water use has increased by more than twice the rate of the population, causing heavy water shortages. Also, countries are facing many challenges connected to water scarcity, water pollution, and degraded water-related ecosystems such as busted pipes and dirty drinking water. These problems are caused by climate change and the lack of human involvement to keep track of water purity and safety. UNDP created a set of Sustainable Development goals which are a set of goals on target measures that the Un have agreed to pursue. Their goal is to achieve all 17 measures by 2030. The world is not able yet to solve SDG 6 the goal to improve access to water and sanitation for all or in 2020, SDG 6 was estimated that one in three people worldwide lacks the facilities with soap and water at home, leaving them vulnerable to COVID-19. There are nonprofits made to help achieve these goals. Children of the Nations is a non-profit organization that provides safe access to clean water. They also provide a (WASH Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) curriculum specific to each country they serve. All of these organizations are working to achieve a common goal showing up around the world. The UNDP must find a solution to the problem of bringing clean water and sanitation to these third-world countries.

Mexico is a country with lots of history regarding water and sanitation problems. In Mexico, more than 386,000 people lack access to clean water. In response to this issue, Mexico increased access to piped water and improved sanitation in both urban and rural areas. Mexico, in the 1980s did not get help from municipalities who got money from state governments causing problems with water and sanitation. But, in 1988 CONAGUA(National Water Commission) helped with these water and sanitation problems and made institutions on basins. The National Water Program was also created to fix these problems. Starting in 1889, Mexico and the U.S. started the Internation Boundary and Water Commission. The IBWC maintains the border and helps provide for water sanitation and flood control. This has helped greatly with the problem of water supply and sanitation for the people who were not at first able to get these needs. Other countries should adopt Mexico’s policies regarding water supply and sanitation towards people in need of it.

Access to water and sanitation services are needed in rural areas of the country where water pipes cannot reach or sanitation facilities are not available. Also, broken pipes are a huge problem across many countries and these would make it way harder for clean water to get to households for them to use. Mexico suggests the government cooperation with the World Water Council(WWC), the Internation Sanitary Supply Association(ISSA), and other organizations to spread awareness on this water and sanitation crisis and succeed in making policies providing municipalities or distribution services to help provide clean water to houses in need of it and deliver sanitation services. The government should also help provide purification plants to help get clean water so the distribution services can do their job. In the big cities, they should use rainwater harvesting, water storage facilities, or plants to really help utilize all this extra water that would just go back into the Earth anyways. Mexico will advocate for any resolution that uses government and organization cooperation to provide water and sanitation services and prudently save runoff water or extra water that can be used for this cause.