September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Fire Prevention and Response

Country: Mexico
Delegate Name: Andrew Dylenski

United Nations Development Program
Fire Prevention and Response
United Mexican States
Andrew Dylenski
Forest Hills Eastern

Internationally, wildfires and uncontrolled fires cause 33,000 deaths each year. These fires are caused by climate change and human activity. Loss of human life, destructions of homes and infrastructures, respiratory illnesses from the smoke, destruction of economic stability, are just some of the consequences. Fires also destroy many ecosystems. Humans are the ones igniting the fires, so they are responsible for changing ecosystems, (and using fire for other purposes such as agriculture, including recreational uses like campfires or fireworks). Human activity is causing climate change, which has a huge part in this crisis. Recently, in June 2021, the most consequential wildfire occurred in the taiga forests in Siberia and the eastern regions of Russia burning over 200,000 square kilometers of land caused by jet stream and climate change. These disasters emerging in the 21st century due to the negative effects of climate change. Many international organizations have helped with these wildfires and wildfire response, such as the Global Wildlife Fire Network who is taking initiatives to promote collaboration and exchange of scientific development of data and training in fire management and research. The United Mexican States urges the UNDP to find a solution for fire prevention and a solid response to these wildfires.

Recently, Mexico has had a difficult year regarding wildfires. The National Fire Protection Association discovered that from the quarter of 2021 there have been 2,871 wildfires resulting in 300 square miles of burned land. In 2013 Mexico had about 4,431 wildfires causing 310 square miles of burned land. It is estimated that by the end of 2021, this year will be the largest wildlife period since 1998. One of the causes of the wildfires in Mexico is abundant heat and drought. Also, the federal government decided to cut budget funds from the National Forestry Commission of Mexico which had the goal of supporting, promoting and developing the conservation and restoration of Mexico’s forests. The final reason for the increase of wildfire in Mexico is human intervention agriculturally or for recreational actions. The United States and Mexico possess the Border Agency Fire Council(BAFC) which protects the border from wildfires. With all these problems facing the Mexicans regarding wildfires such as the lessened funding for the organizations in Mexico working to help with wildfires, Mexico needs aid to help pay for these costs for resources to help deal with and prevent wildfires.

Wildfire prevention and response is a problem with increasing intensity present day. Climate change and human intervention have caused many wildfires worldwide and this is attainable for many wealthy countries. But, for other countries not as wealthy, it is difficult to access resources to deal with fires because of the lack of funding or government intervention. Mexico urges that countries or governments seek help from international organizations such as the United Methodist Committee on Relief, which specializes in response to these disasters worldwide. Countries in need of aid should also seek financial aid from surrounding nations that have the money to help. Nations should teach their citizens to use a composter instead of burning debris or seek help right away when there’s a faulty power line down. Mexico advocates for any resolution that uses international help from organizations and wealthy nations to access resources to prevent and respond to these disasters.