September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Cybercrime

Country: Haiti
Delegate Name: Mallory Pearson

For the past several decades, criminals have used information and communications technology to commit a broad range of illegal actions. The cybercrime spectrum ranges from attempting to disrupt the inner workings of the internet, to fraud and trafficking, to identity theft and blackmail. Ending cybercrime would be beneficial to all countries because it exploits information stolen from individual people, companies, and governments, therefore, it affects everyone. Cybercriminals are also granted a sense of anonymity while conducting their heinous crimes which makes them more difficult to catch than other criminals. They can also target mostly anyone regardless of where they live while using advanced technologies to hide their tracks. Because of these reasons, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has created a number of measures to help states cope with the increasing danger of cybercrimes. Although there have been laws created to protect individuals from cybercriminals, it is still a large issue and threat towards countries.

Haiti’s underdeveloped telecommunications system and low amount of technology users means that cybercrime has not affected Haiti as much as Haiti’s allies. Only 32% of Haiti’s population uses the internet which means that the amount of cybercriminals from Haiti are minimal. Haiti has not been a target for cybercriminals and very few cybercriminals activate from Haiti. Because of the low cybercrime rates, Haiti has not developed laws yet against cybercriminals. But Haiti’s allies, such as the United States, have experienced high rates of cyber attacks. Haiti supports the United States approach against cybercriminals and their laws protecting citizens from online threats.

The Republic of Haiti supports law enforcement fighting against cybercrimes and apprehending cybercriminals to prevent online threats. Haiti advises countries with lower rates of cybercrime to take precautionary measures to ensure that their citizens will not be the next targets. Haiti also recommends the creation of advanced cybersecurity in higher risk countries to keep their citizens safe.