Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Delegate Name: Olivia Benedict
In the global community, the development of new technology has caused an increase in Cybercrime. Cybercrime concerns anything from simple hacking to acts of cyber-terrorism. According to the Cyberedge Group 2021 Cyberthreat Defense Report, 86.2% of organizations (representing 17 countries and 19 industries) were compromised by at least one successful cyber attack.” That is a dramatic increase from 2020, which was 80.7%. This increasing trend has the potential to cost the world “$10.5 trillion annually by 2025,” according to Forbes. As of now, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) has received the task of creating measures to help member states cope with the dangers of cybercriminal activities. There are attempts to establish the Global Programme on Cybercrime. Because of its connection to the world web, Cybercrime is truly a global issue. It is the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee’s responsibility to discuss and create solutions to repress Cybercrime.
Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong-un has guided the country in such a way to avoid Cybercrime. Due to his excellent leadership, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has not been affected by this issue. Through early education and a one-hundred percent literacy rate, the citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are better than a life of online crime. Outside sources attempting to usurp the safety of our cyberspace have been sadly misinformed if they believe to have successfully caused any issues for our country. Our Supreme Leader has been handpicked by God to keep this country safe and has done so brilliantly since his election. Respectfully, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea would prefer to be left alone. We have no problems with the current issue at hand. Our country has never been safer and more content than at this time. We hope that other intruding countries do not limit our given freedoms in the name of their agendas.
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea urges the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee to take no action on the topic of Cybercrime. Our delegation will not support any resolution that calls for increased security. If anything threatens to limit our Respected Leader’s power to protect our country, then we will vehemently oppose. All hail Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong-un.