September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Central African Republic

Country: Mexico
Delegate Name: Anika Deshpande

Since the overthrowing of the president in 2003, civil unrest has plagued the Central African Republic (CAR). Francois Bozize assumed the role of president through a fraudulent election, to which several groups revolted, forming the ex-Seleka militias. The current civil war is defined by the conflict between the ex-Seleka militias and the anti-Balaka militia, which are composed of Muslim nomads and Christian agriculturalists, respectively. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), over 630,000 refugees have struggled in CAR against the violence and destruction that result from the warring factions. This has been accelerated by the increase in military technology supplied by the Russian state, making the nation’s civilians and foreign aid workers fraught with poverty and danger. The Special Political Committee must create a resolution that effectively centralizes the current warring factions, while also considering the plight of refugees and establishing regulations for the distribution of military technologies to the Central African government.

In 2018, the United Mexican States sent government officials to the Central African Republic to help negotiate new peace treaties between the ex-Seleka militias and the anti-Balaka militia through the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). Mexico has also directly supported several resolutions that emphasize protection of human rights in the situation in CAR in the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council. The United Mexican States supports beginning repatriation processes and employing disarmament techniques to prevent the further escalation of the situation in the Central African Republic. Mexico supports the movement of refugees through the Mexican nation, but requires proper documentation, especially when refugees are attempting to pass into the United States.

Mexico asks that all countries work to reduce military support for either side of the Central African Republic’s civil war so that civilians may live in a safer environment. The current efforts to welcome refugees into neighboring countries, such as Chad, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo is highly encouraged to continue. The United Mexican States also hopes to help establish a strong central government under which both Christians and Muslims can coexist. A resolution that advocates the acceptance of Central African refugees, reduces financial and military aid to either division of the conflict, and highlights the protection of human rights will be the best path for the international community to take in order to restore peace in CAR.