September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Cybercrime

Country: Nigeria
Delegate Name: Nathan Parish

The danger of cybercrime is a significant issue that continues to grow larger and larger. Sadly, Nigeria’s image is dashed by cybercrime. Even though less than 70,000 (0.0005%) of 140 million Nigerians are involved with cybercrime, and Nigeria is not among the top 20 countries with the highest rate of cybercrime, the nation is still at risk. While it is mathematically true that Nigeria does not have a grand issue concerning cybercrime, underlying problems prove otherwise. As people fall for “Nigerian Prince” scams and form jokes around them, such as parody episodes in Family Guy, the image of Nigeria is damaged. This false international reputation has ingrained itself as a pop culture phenomenon. It is Nigeria’s goal to communicate its lack of cybercrime, but also to aid in permanently preventing any future cyber attacks concerning Nigeria and the United Nations.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria has previously taken action against cybercrime. It recognizes the increasing rate of cybercrime, both globally and in Nigeria alone. Recently, a Nigerian “entrepreneur”, named Obinna Okeke, was arrested by the FBI in 2019 for wide scale phishing scams. A massive arrest of 77 Nigerian scammers took place in 2019 as well, with a conspiracy to steal millions of dollars from victims. The Nigerian government has been successful in creating positive changes. For example, by introducing BVN (Bank Verification Numbers), cybercrime losses increased by 63% and, by the end of 2015, there was a reduction of 45.98% in attempted online fraud. Also, a bill (Cybercrimes Act 2015) was passed in May 2015, which aims to protect citizens and punish electronic fraudulent actions. Even with these triumphs, however, the rate of cybercrime continues to slowly increase. The main objective of Nigeria concerning cybercrime is to create a Central Computer Crime Response Wing (CCCRW), form laws designed to prevent future cyber crime, and increase employment rates.

As the internet, or cyberspace, grows and develops, cybercrimes do as well. Nigeria recognizes the need for action concerning cyber crime, and believes that a solution depends on international cooperation. Globally, citizens must be informed on the dangers of cybercrime and the recommended steps to shield themselves from its danger. High schools and colleges should implement information surrounding cybercrime and how to avoid it in their curriculum to ensure a safer, more prosperous, future. Nigeria itself hopes to develop more advanced government branches designed to prevent cybercrime, and adjures other countries to do the same. Lastly, Nigeria is working towards eradicating unemployment, a major cause for individuals to rely on cybercrime. Nigeria will support any resolution that assists the elimination of cybercrime and aids in increasing employment rates.