September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Central African Republic

Country: Tunisia
Delegate Name: Braxton Orban

Since Francois Bozize’s 2003 coup removed the Central African Republic’s (CAR) first democratically elected president and began the 2004 CAR Bush War, the Central African Republic has struggled with civil warfare. Despite peace treaties signed in 2007 and 2011, internal warfare broke out in 2012; the belligerents are the ex-Seleka militias, the remnants of anti-government rebel groups, and the anti-Balaka militia. The animosity between these groups is also fueled by ideological and cultural differences, as the ex-Seleka are predominantly Muslim and nomadic, while the anti-Balaka are Christian and agricultural. Since the outbreak of the civil war, most cities in the CAR have been controlled by individual militia warlords. Human rights have greatly decreased throughout the country in the past decades. According to World Vision, a global humanitarian aid organization, over 1.1 million Central African civilians have been displaced, over 14,000 child soldiers have been recruited, and humanitarian assistance is greatly needed. In order to resolve this conflict, The Special Political Committee must find a solution which assures a true end to the rampant fighting in the country, establishes a fair government, and improves the living conditions of those affected by the violence.

As an African country, the Republic of Tunisia recognizes the long history of political instability in the Central African Republic’s history and seeks an end to the violence. Continuing its long tradition of assisting the United Nations’ peacekeeping efforts with its neutral military, in 2021, Tunisia sent 120 troops to the CAR to further the UN’s efforts in the nation, strengthening the MINUSCA presence in the country. In addition, the Republic of Tunisia is a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which provides great humanitarian assistance to the Central African Republic. Tunisia believes that the OIC’s efforts should be expanded, and that it serves as an example for the application of humanitarian aid in this region.

After over a decade of fighting, the Central African Civil War needs a solution that prioritizes citizen safety and an end to the violence. Tunisia also hopes to reestablish a democratic leader. Tunisia encourages countries that are economically capable to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of CAR and accept refugees and asylum seekers who are fleeing from the violence. Additionally, Tunisia would like to hold a democratic election with the goal of ending the individual rule of cities and reuniting the CAR under a single leader. Finally, the Republic of Tunisia would like to improve the well-being of the people by bringing clean water and resources to the country. It is imperative that the Special Political Committee reaches a resolution which improves the Central African Republic by helping its people and ending its conflict. Through this resolution, peace and well-being can be brought to this nation.