September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Central African Republic

Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Delegate Name: Sarah Dixon

In the Central African Republic, fighting between rebel groups, ex-Séléka militias and anti-Balaka militias, with the national government struggling to gain control has led to a state of disaster. The Central African Republic has a long history of internal war and political unrest, which has left its citizens in an unfortunate situation. The hostilities and violence between the rebel groups and the instability of the government have led to the displacement of over 717,000 people and the necessity of humanitarian assistance to 2.8 million people. The Central African Republic’s security and school systems have quickly deteriorated in recent months and children have suffered as a result. Without the preoccupation and stability of schools, such children have been left to the fate of military recruitment, abduction, rape, or even death. Despite the promulgation of the 2020 Child Protection Code, which criminalizes all of the aforementioned activities in the Central African Republic, the situation continues to remain dire. With recent Rwandan and Russian military intervention for the Central African government, the situation has begun to improve. The situation in the Central African Republic requires the full support of the United Nations to these military initiatives to secure the safety and protection of the Central African people and stability of the Central African government.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea maintains a limited opinion on the situation in the Central African Republic; however, the DPRK supports the Russian intervention in the Central African Republic. Russian military instructors have aided the Central African government with the mission to stabilize the war-torn country by strengthening the national security units of the Central African Republic and expanding the economy and global reach in the process. With this Russian support, the Central African government has been able to greatly expand its regional control over recent years, which proves the success of the Russian initiatives. The DPRK also supports the Chinese influence in the Central African Republic. The DPRK appreciates the long-standing alliances with China and Russia and will support their positions on the conflicts in the Central African Republic.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea supports the Russian position in the Central African Republic and, therefore, promotes the relationship of bilateral cooperation between the two states. The Russian intervention has allowed the Central African Republic to head towards peace and stability after years of unrest and violence. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea does not wish to contribute to the situation in the Central African Republic with resources but will vote in support of Chinese and Russian initiatives.