September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Israel-Palestine

Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Aastha Patel

The tensions between Israel and Palestine have created one of the most prolonged conflicts, reaching 73 years of conflict after the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 with UN resolution 181. The Israeli-Palestinian relations continue to escalate due to the violent and hostile actions from both sides. The state of Palestine advocates for a two-state solution, while the State of Israel does not. The State of Palestine wants to reclaim all of historic Palestine, which includes: West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. East Jerusalem is currently occupied by Israel. The West Bank is occupied by both Palestine and Israel, however, Israel supervises most of it. Gaza is under the control of Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization. The solution to this conflict can only be attained through peace. The fighting between the two states has gone in vain and no previous negotiation has succeeded. The Federal Republic of Germany urges the committee to find a mutually acceptable, negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that addresses the concerns of both sides.

Germany recognizes the State of Israel and has established diplomatic relations with them since 1965. Germany does not recognize the State of Palestine; however, Germany supports the right of Palestine to self-determination, sovereignty, and statehood. Germany firmly believes that the aim of an independent, democratic, and viable Palestinian state – existing side by side with lasting peace between Israel and Palestine – can only be achieved through the two-state solution. The two-state solution would establish an independent State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel. The boundary between the two states is subject to negotiation. Germany, along with the rest of the European Union, has aided Palestine by providing millions of euros in aid to Palestine every year. Recently, Germany has spent 40 million euros to increase humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza. In 2018, Germany provided 81 million euros for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which supported Palestine, and increased their funds, after the U.S cut funding after being the biggest donor. This year, Germany has donated 25 million euros to the Palestine education sector. Germany will also continue to support economic development projects in the Palestinian territories.

Germany acknowledges Israel’s building of settlements on occupied Palestinian land as illegal and the settlements of part of the Israeli population in the occupied territory as an unlawful act as it violates the international law and strongly urges Palestinians to reclaim West Bank. Germany also encourages the State of Palestine, after providing statehood, to become a democratic political structure. Germany can provide aid through money and any other help needed.