September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Women's Economic Empowerment

Country: Tunisia
Delegate Name: Alekya Vudathu

UN Women
Women’s Economic Empowerment
Republic of Tunisia
Alekya Vudathu
Forest Hills Eastern

For a long time, women have been oppressed and considered nothing. From day one their position has been seen as a traditional role, the homemaker, or a caregiver. As people kept seeing women in this position it was hard for society to see a change in their social role. This is all the more reason as to why women empowerment is the key to a stable United Nations. Women are treated unfairly in many ways: socially, economically, educationally, and more. As time progressed the country thought that equality would be restored; however, seemingly it hasn’t. Economic inequality is present in numerous ways. Women and men might have the same job yet women will be paid significantly less, the global wage gap is 23%. Alongside this many countries suffer from poverty, which leads to financial issues and illiteracy; two-thirds of the illiterate are women. This stunts the possibility each woman has in their future with attaining a job and decreases the number of economic opportunities she could’ve possibly had. The United Nations Sustainable Developments goal is to help empower women and girls and achieve higher economic possibilities than there is now.

Tunisia is a strong representation of women’s economic empowerment. For example, the latest World Bank Enterprise Survey showed that Tunisia outperformed other MENA (the Middle East and North Africa) countries in terms of women’s entrepreneurship. Since the enactment of the Personal Status Code (PSC) in 1956, Tunisian women have played a greater role in their country. More women occupied higher management positions in the civil service and the private sector. 49.5% of the firms in Tunisia had women who partake in ownership. The country ranked 4th in terms of gender equality in the MENA region. Tunisian women have a literacy rate of 72% and hold 36% of parliamentary seats. However, there are still some socio-cultural barriers and inequalities with opportunities and jobs that women continue to face. While women represent 67% of higher education graduates, they are only 24.6% of the employed population. Unemployment affects women (22.5%) twice as much as men (12.4%) and this inequality are even more exacerbated in places within the country (Gabès, Kasserine, Jendouba, Kébili, Gafsa and Tataouine) where the female unemployment rate is at 35% on average. Although women did have a higher standard and got paid more than men the participation rate between men and women is drastic, with women at 24% and men at 70%. In addition to this economic imbalance, Tunisia’s increase in female participation came to a stop in 2000 and has since then stagnated at a relatively low level. Up until 2020, women’s equality has been stable however all of a sudden it dropped to an alarming state. Tunisia has been good at maintaining women’s economic empowerment however the more awareness that is brought to our country the more we will succeed.

The country of Tunisia is expected to encourage and promote a spirit of innovation, by protecting women from the violence and discrimination of the status quo, guaranteeing their economic rights, and offering them equal opportunities in employment and at school. Tunisia had a great track record regarding women’s economic empowerment however the recent rouble they are suffering from can be fixed if the UN comes together and integrate their awareness programs and emphasizes to societies that women also can be leaders.