September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Cybercrime

Country: Tunisia
Delegate Name: Rishika Kokkula

With a growing reliance on technology for informational and communicational means, cybercrime, or the use of technology for criminal purposes, is becoming increasingly prevalent. Crimes of this sort range from low-profile hacking to identity theft and blackmailing. These attacks have prompted the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to create measures to protect countries from the dangers of cybercrime. Some resolutions in specific have created groups of experts and established the Global Programme on Cybercrime. In order to identify and prevent acts of crime on the internet, cooperation from countries in the United Nations is crucial.

Tunisia recognizes the urgency to take immediate action against the issue of cybercrime. Following the conclusion of former president Ben Ali’s regime, Tunisian citizens now enjoy their civil rights and liberties. However, considering the country’s history of the abuse of privacy on the internet and the emergence of worldwide security threats, developing international safeguards is necessary to protect the safety of citizens. In recent years, the Tunisian Minister of Communication Technologies and Digital Economy has confirmed that the ministry is collaborating with an international studies office to research the risks of 5G technology. In September of 2018, Tunisia held a conference entitled “Cyberterrorism: Risks and Challenges” with the intention of bringing awareness to and countering the effects of cybercrime. Numerous cybersecurity experts stressed the urgency of bringing public attention to the fight against cybercrime and developing methods of defense. This conference saw the launch of the e-portal “Tunisian Against Cyber Terrorism”, which serves as a platform containing expertise, experiences, debates, and all other areas relating to cybersecurity. The main objectives of the Tunisian government at this point in time are to raise awareness and develop defensive methods against cybercrime.

Tunisia urges SOCHUM to direct its attention towards multilateral law enforcement cooperation, as well as extensive research of technology to prevent crimes and save lives. Tunisia will consider any resolution in which immediate action is taken to examine and prevent the dangers of cybercrime. Furthermore, Tunisia agrees with INTERPOL’S strong belief in taking a joint global approach to intercept security threats all over the world. Consistent efforts of Tunisia and other organizations in collaboration have proved hopeful for a future with substantially less threats to security online.