September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Climate Change and Infectious Disease

Country: Tunisia
Delegate Name: Shriya Reddy

Climate change is a large problem to address because it has the ability to alter the composition of the global atmosphere. Climate change, through rising temperatures, shifting rain patterns, increased storm intensity, and rising sea levels, will impact human health significantly. Climate change impacts are projected to increase the frequency of droughts and flooding, water scarcity, and increased transmission of diseases from warmer temperatures. These impacts negatively affect human health and livelihoods. Climate change became an important determinant of many vector-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria.

Tunisia is highly vulnerable to climate change and it will be severely impacted. Tunisia became the third country in the world to incorporate the need to protect against climate change in its constitution. Tunisia plans to implement adaptation strategies for the health threats of climate change. This includes monitoring vectors and vector-borne diseases. Tunisia has also approved a national health adaptation strategy and has conducted a national assessment of climate change impacts on health. Additionally, Tunisia is taking action to build institutional and technical capacities. Tunisia has climate information included in the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) system, including the development of early warning and response systems for climate-sensitive health risks.

Effective climate change adaptation will not occur without strong leadership. International communities should raise awareness of climate change. There is a need to reinforce the public’s knowledge of the concept, issues, and risks related to climate change. Vulnerability assignments (VAs) are important in order to determine the extent of the threat that climate change brings upon a person. Access to quality weather and climate data is essential because without reliable data on temperature, it would be extremely difficult to find the effect it has on the environment and people.