September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Cybercrime

Country: Colombia
Delegate Name: Ishaan Muchumarri

The issue of cybercrime has risen as people continue to use the internet for convenience. These crimes include exploiting individuals, trafficking, and more. The past ten years have only seen the issue continue to spiral out of control. There were 580,371,937 recorded cybercrime attacks in 2010, and that number has grown. In 2020, an average of 550,000 new ransomware attacks took place every day. These attacks have become much more dangerous due to the increased usage of the internet. Cybercrimes can now be committed from anywhere, regardless of national borders and distance, through the internet. The COVID-19 pandemic only increased internet traffic for cybercriminals to prey on. With cybercriminals continuing to improve upon their methods of committing cybercrimes, a solution is in dire need. The Republic Of Colombia believes that social media platforms should improve their monitoring of content and that governments should improve their IT security.

The country with the third-highest number of cyber-attacks in Latin America, the Republic of Colombia, understands the importance of this issue. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies had been concerned with cybercrimes and had been attempting to improve cybersecurity. The COVID-19 pandemic had the Republic of Colombia experience a 400% increase in the number of people working from home, and with the increased amount of business conducted online came increased vulnerability. The Republic of Colombia has been attempting to push its Consolidated Guiding Vision to establish a national front to fight against cybercrime and continues to advance its cutting-edge IT security policies. The Republic of Colombia also is falling prey to an inadequately moderated social media. Drug dealers, cartel bosses, and more regularly use social media not for personal use, but for business. Drug purchases, sex trafficking, recruiting of new members, and many more illegal activities are committed by criminals on main-road social-media apps. The Republic of Colombia is now directing its attention towards social media companies.

The Republic of Colombia calls for social-media companies to better monitor the content that is posted on their platforms. Platforms such as Tik-Tok, Facebook(now Meta), and other platforms have been hosts to far too many illegal activities. The nations of the world lack the ability to monitor the content that is posted on privately-held platforms, and as such are relying on the platforms to monitor themselves, and remove criminal activity from their sites/apps. Additionally, the Republic of Colombia calls for governments to improve the security of government-owned servers and computers. The nations of the world are responsible for protecting confidential information and their own national security, and can no longer afford weakness, as cybercriminals improve their tactics and technology. Colombia wants nothing more than to see social media platforms be more closely moderated, whether that be through the platforms themselves improving upon their monitoring techniques, or through forcing the platforms to remove criminal activity from their platforms.