September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Private Military Contractors

Country: Algeria
Delegate Name: Colin Pattison

Disarmament and International Security Committee
Private Military Contractors
Colin Pattison
Forest Hills Eastern

Private military contractors (PMCs) are companies that provide military and security services to governments, corporations, and other entities for financial gain. As Algeria we have faced significant challenges with mercenaries and foreign interference in the past which has led to skepticism and distrust toward PMCs. These privately owned military companies often operate across borders without adequate oversight, raising concerns about their impact on national sovereignty and regional stability. We strongly believe that the unregulated use of PMCs poses a direct threat to sovereignty and security, particularly in Africa, where such entities have been known to exploit conflicts like ours for profit.
Algeria remains committed to maintaining peace and security through collective efforts rather than by private military intervention. PMCs frequently operate outside of international accountability, leading to issues such as human rights abuses and illegal arms trading. For a country like Algeria, which values sovereignty and the rule of law, this lack of regulation presents a serious problem. Instead of relying on PMCs, Algeria advocates for strengthening multilateral frameworks, such as those established by the United Nations and the African Union, to address security challenges collectively. These organizations ensure that security operations align with international law and prioritize the stability of sovereign nations.
Algeria urges the United Nations to implement stricter regulations and monitoring for PMCs. These regulations should require transparency in contracts, limit their operational scope, and hold them accountable for violations of international law. Algeria also recommends that the UN increase support for regional cooperation in addressing security threats, such as through African Union peacekeeping missions. By working together through lawful and transparent means, nations can ensure that security remains a collective responsibility rather than a commodity for private entities.