Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Lidija Habekovic
Albania is committed to the eradication and condemnation of forced labor. With extensive preventative measures within its criminal code and code of labor, Albania has taken steps to ensure that forced labor has no presence within its borders. While currently laws regarding forced labor and human trafficking have not eliminated these issues completely, Albania is taking rigorous steps to eliminate these practices within the country.
Albania recognizes that human trafficking and forced labor are concerns in many industries, such as agriculture, domestic work, and construction. Albania has currently ratified ILO Conventions no. 29, 105, and 182 regarding forced labor and trafficking. The aforementioned Conventions include articles defining forced labor, prohibiting forced labor across international borders, and implementing measures to prevent labor and sex trafficking, specifically regarding children. In addition to ratifying the above Conventions, Albania has increased protection and identification of human trafficking victims. New screening procedures have been adopted to identify trafficking victims during migration flows.
However, Albania acknowledges that progress can be made in terms of forced labor and trafficking prevention. Currently, labor inspectors do not have the power to inspect unregistered businesses, meaning instances of forced labor could fall through the cracks. Albania believes that this is no longer acceptable, and is vigorously trying to prevent forced labor within the country’s borders. Albania penalizes instigators of forced labor under its criminal code.
Albania has several recommendations regarding the prevention of human trafficking and the identification of trafficking victims. To ensure that no forced labor is going unnoticed, Albania proposes that the power of labor inspectors to inspect be expanded to include unregistered businesses. To support and ensure victims get the support and justice they need, Albania proposes to include extended training for judges and law enforcement on trafficking cases and the role of coercion within these cases, and to increase funding for both government and NGO-run shelters for trafficking victims. To further secure justice for forced labor and trafficking victims, Albania urges nations to guarantee that perpetrators of human trafficking are receiving appropriate penalization, through educating judges and other levels of the judiciary system on the severity of human trafficking.
Albania believes that progress can be made and observed through cooperation and agreement. Cooperation is crucial in discussing issues like that of forced labor, and Albania looks forward to working with willing nations to reach a solution that addresses all facets of this issue.