September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Balancing Human Rights

Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: RJ,Langen

Topic: 2024-Balancing Human Rights and Counterterrorism
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: RJ Langen
Forest Hills Northern

The United Kingdom is committed to upholding human rights and the rule of law in its efforts to counter terrorism and violent extremism. We believe that these values are essential for the long-term security and stability of our nation and the international community. We recognize that terrorism poses a serious threat to peace, security, development, and human rights, and we condemn all acts of terrorism in the strongest terms. We also acknowledge that states have the primary responsibility to protect their citizens from terrorism, and we support their efforts to do so under international law.

The United Kingdom is an active member of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL) of the United Nations General Assembly, and we welcome the opportunity to participate in the discussions on this important topic. We appreciate the work of the Secretary-General and his Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, and we urge all states to cooperate fully with them. We also support the role of the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms in addressing human rights issues related to counter-terrorism.

The United Kingdom has a comprehensive and balanced approach to counter-terrorism, which is guided by our national strategy, CONTEST. This strategy aims to reduce the risk to the UK and its interests overseas from terrorism, by pursuing four objectives: prevent, pursue, protect, and prepare. Under each of these objectives, we have a range of policies and measures that are designed to respect and protect human rights, while ensuring effective action against terrorism. For example, we have robust legal frameworks and oversight mechanisms that regulate the use of counter-terrorism powers, such as arrest, detention, surveillance, prescription, and sanctions. We also have programs that aim to prevent radicalization and violent extremism, such as Prevent, which works with individuals and communities to address the root causes of extremism and provide support for those who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism. We also have initiatives that promote dialogue, tolerance, and respect for diversity, such as Building a Stronger Britain Together, which supports civil society organizations that work to counter extremist narratives and promote positive alternatives.

The United Kingdom is also a strong advocate for multilateral cooperation and coordination on counter-terrorism issues, both within the UN system and beyond. We are a founding member of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF), which is a platform for sharing best practices and expertise on countering terrorism and violent extremism. We are also a member of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) and its working groups, which aim to enhance coherence and coordination among UN entities on counter-terrorism issues. We support the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and its four pillars, which provide a comprehensive framework for addressing the conditions conducive to terrorism, preventing and combating terrorism, ensuring respect for human rights and the rule of law, and strengthening the role of the UN. We also endorse the recommendations of the Secretary-General’s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism, which calls for a holistic approach that addresses the drivers of extremism and promotes a culture of peace.

The United Kingdom believes that there is no trade-off between human rights and counter-terrorism. On the contrary, we believe that respect for human rights is essential for effective counter-terrorism. We are committed to working with our partners in SPECPOL and other relevant forums to advance this agenda and ensure that our collective efforts to counter terrorism are consistent with our obligations under international law.

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