Country: Iran
Delegate Name: Allison Edwards
Iran has faced many issues regarding the number of healthcare workers present in the country. After COVID-19 many countries have reported a shortage of healthcare workers along with Iran. Iran has experienced this, but also many healthcare professionals are emigrating to countries with higher pay. Iran is seeing a 300 percent increase in requests to leave Iran from healthcare professionals. This was caused, in part, by the pandemic. Additionally, working conditions for medical professionals in Iran were not ideal at the time. These conditions include a shortage of nurses. The ratio of nurses to patients should be at 2.5 according to international standards, but in Iran, it is 0.7
To remedy the shortage of healthcare workers, the nation of Iran has worked to increase the salaries of nurses, support nursing organizations, and provide education regarding careers in healthcare and the benefits of it.
In Iran, there is a lot more to do regarding the shortage of healthcare workers. One of the proposed solutions is to hire international doctors and nurses to combat the shortage of healthcare workers in Iran. Due to COVID, Iran has been struggling with the retention of nursing staff and other healthcare workers. The best route of action for Iran and other countries is improving the environment of healthcare workers which will aid in the retention of staff. In conclusion, Iran would look favorably upon resources to help healthcare workers stay in the country at this time.
Bizaer, Maysam. “A Gaping Wound: Iran Faces an Exodus of Healthcare Workers.” Https://, 15 Oct. 2021, Accessed 17 Feb. 2024.Doshmangir, Leila, et al.
“The Future of Iran’s Health Workforce.” The Lancet, vol. 400, no. 10356, Sept. 2022, p. 883,