September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Human Trafficking

Country: Australia
Delegate Name: Fiona Apraez

Committee: Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee
Country: Australia
Delegate: Fiona Apraez
Topic B: Human Trafficking

Australia has remained on Tier 1 even after the challenges of Covid-19 demonstrating our continued commitment to serious and sustained efforts for the elimination of human trafficking. This status highlights Australia’s adherence to meeting the standards of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). However human trafficking persists as a significant issue within Australia and internationally. Australia faces a duel-faceted challenge, involving both inbound trafficking and outbound trafficking. The most commonly prosecuted form of trafficking in Australia is forced marriage, reflecting the need for specialized responses to this problem. Australia believes the key steps to to further combating and eliminating human trafficking on a global scale are firstly prevention before trafficking occurs, detecting and disrupting the act, investigating, and prosecuting.

Australia recognizes the widespread impact of human trafficking within its borders and is committed to addressing this issue comprehensively. The Australian Federal Police works diligently to maintain strong relationships with the Department of Foregin Affairs and Trade, and Department of Home Affairs. These partnerships are essential to support victims and minimize harm, and coordinating efforts. To ensure effective prosecution of traffickers, Australia is a signatory to the UN TIP protocol. This protocal is a key international agreement that aims to suppress, prevent, and punish trafficking in persons. Australia has also implemented the National Action Plan to Combat Modern Slavery 2020-2025. This plan sets strategic direction to eradicating modern slavery by emphasizing the protection of victims, prevention of exploitation, and prosecution of offenders. The National Action plan reinforces Australia commitment to tackling modern slavery by using collaboration across the government to ensure an effective and lasting strategy.

Australia proposes to address this issue by creating a strategy to educate, detect, investigate, and prosecute human trafficking. To aid in prevention, it is essential educate the public on recognizing the signs of possible trafficking and understanding. Detection efforts can be strengthened by harnessing advanced technology, making it possible to identify and disrupt human trafficking offenses. Maintaining a high standard of investigative practices is critical to ensuring effective prosecution of traffickers, legal actions to be carried out successfully. Australia believes through implementing these measures, these issues of human trafficking can be better addressed on an international scale.