September 16, 2019
 In The Role of Nuclear Energy in Reducing Fossil Fuel Reliance

Country: Canada
Delegate Name: Jordane Warren

Canada’s province of Ontario has been completely coal-free since 2014. This is all thanks to not only nuclear energy but also hydro power. Coal is currently providing more than a third of global electricity generation…nuclear energy can fill and replace this void resulting in coal plant closures and can provide around-the-clock power, unlike wind and solar energy which is based upon weather conditions. Canada’s plan will further help with this issue.

Nuclear energy has already been implemented in many of the developed nations and is used to the highest effect, already making significant changes. According to the Canada Energy Regulator, citizens have seen rising temperatures, as well as rising seas, and changes in humidity and precipitation. However, the countries that are in the direst need are those underdeveloped, or developing countries since these nations tend to have a higher chance of being the target of climate change effects. The biggest question that Canada would like to pose is not how do we make the switch from nuclear energy to fossil fuels in general, but rather how do we get low-income nations to switch from fossil fuels to nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is cheaper to operate than fossil fuels. Although the cost lies within the production, there are established western nations and developed countries willing to help with these infrastructure issues, such as China, India, and Russia. Another point to note is that these nuclear energy plants, once created, need Uranium. With Canada having one of the largest uranium mines in the world located in Saskatchewan, we would be able to help distribute these resources to nations in need. We are already trading with the United States, Europe, and Asia.

Canada believes that in order to create true change around the world from fossil fuels to nuclear energy, this store must be distributed, to not only the current nations that we are trading with, but also to any nations willing to accept the agreements. Canada is not wishing to create dependency upon developing nations, whether for uranium, or general external supplies, but for the developing nations to get a head start before they are able to mine for uranium on their own lands or create their own nuclear power plants. Canada would be open to advising plans and amending possible legislation with willing participants.