September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses

Topic: 2024-Spread of Animal Viruses
Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Rayyan Abu Azine

The prevention of the spread of animal diseases is a serious problem for the world. The spread of zoonotic viruses occurs when viruses are transmitted from animals to humans, often via animal products or vectors like mosquitoes or ticks. The rise of zoonotic diseases is linked to several factors, including urbanization, deforestation, and climate change. As underdeveloped countries lack the required funding and awareness on preventing the spread of animal diseases which is a very preventable problem. A recent outbreak of an animal virus case was the 2014 Ebola Outbreak. Ebola was originally discovered in the Republic of Congo and the disease originated from the consumption of bats. It was an airborne virus which caused victims to bleed out of their eyes and cough out blood from their mouth. The World Health Organization responded to this outbreak by contacting people in power, spreading awareness, and providing resources to all countries in need to prevent these outbreaks. As time has progressed, these methods have proved effective.

Previously, Albania has been criticized in the past for problems with insufficient enforcement of welfare laws and illegal smuggling of animals. One of these critics includes a global animal welfare organization known as Four Paws. Four Paws advocated for an increase in sanctuary establishments as well as further stricter controls of illegal trade of animals. Albania since then has worked closely with the organization. This includes their capture and relocation of illegal animals within Albania.

In recent years, Albania has worked closely with the EU aimed to improve following their standards of strengthening of the veterinary force, vaccination, and for disease reporting mechanisms upgraded and strengthened. These systems include enhanced disease surveillance as well as mandatory quarantine for imported livestock which can in turn catch and prevent any disease before it is spread to local livestock. Other EU guidelines Albania has worked with is the implementation of better animal practices, reduction in illegal animal trade, and improved awareness to the public.

Within this committee, Albania aims to collaborate for a solution and prevention for these problems. Albania advises the World Health Organizations to act upon the spread of animal disease by enacting stricter enforcement and reformed guidelines as needed, as well as the need for stronger spread of awareness to all countries. Albania would also consider the use of surveillance systems, mandatory quarantine on imported livestock, and the capture of illegally smuggled animals to be held in captivity and relocated. Albania looks forward to the collaboration of fellow delegations to secure the safety of the world and the health of the inhabitants.

Works Cited
“Ebola Disease Basics.” Ebola, 23 Apr. 2024,
Détail. 3 Oct. 2023,
“Marking Two Decades of Multilateral Efforts in Transboundary Animal Disease Control.” AnimalHealth,