September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Gender Equality in Rural Areas

Topic: 2024-Gender Equality in Rural Areas
Country: Syrian Arab Republic
Delegate Name: Katie Macey

The Syrian Arab Republic acknowledges that, in rural areas, there is typically limited access to resources, education, and technology compared to urban areas. This lack of accessibility in rural communities is due to factors like distance, economic constraints, and traditional views on gender roles. Additionally, Syria recognizes an international concern over the rights of women in rural areas. To address the feared lack of participation in public life and opportunities for women, individual countries can craft their own policies to promote gender equality in rural areas and improve educational access for women.

Around 30% of the Syrian population lives in rural areas. The Syrian government has previously acted to protect the rights and interests of the portion of the population in rural areas. The Syrian Commission on Family Affairs has worked to promote literacy, healthcare access, and employment opportunities for women in rural areas.

In Syria, the economy in rural areas is largely based around agriculture, with women playing a critical role in food production. Therefore, the government has created policies promoting agricultural output and encouraging the participation of women in agriculture. To promote production and ensure food security, Syria has encouraged the establishment of agricultural cooperatives in areas such as vegetable cultivation and dairy production. Additionally, the government has supported the establishment of women-only cooperatives and the involvement of women in co-ed cooperatives. These initiatives have allowed for greater participation of women in the agricultural sector in rural areas.

The Syrian Arab Republic will continue to welcome support from international organizations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, in cooperative efforts with the Syrian Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform to improve women’s skills in various agricultural fields. However, the Syrian Arab Republic opposes international regulations on the role of women in agricultural areas. In accordance with Syrian sovereignty, the government has been able to create regulations and craft initiatives that correspond to the specific needs and societal structures of Syria. The government remains committed to ensuring that these policies align with national priorities and cultural values.

In order to address the unique situations present in each individual nation, domestic policies should be relied on to address gender equality in rural areas. The conditions present in rural areas and the ideals for the role of women in society differs across nations. Therefore, common guidelines from the United Nations would not address the specific challenges of goals of individual countries.

Works Cited
“FAO Tackles Gender Issues in Rural Communities with Pioneering Pilot Projects.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Accessed 17 Nov. 2024.

Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook. The World Bank, 2008, Accessed 17 Nov. 2024.

“National Centre for Agro. Inform. and Documentation, Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform.” AGRIS,,National%20Centre%20for%20Agro.,for%20agriculture%20affairs%20in%20Syria. Accessed 17 Nov. 2024.

“Supporting Syrian Women’s Engagement in the Syrian Political Process: Building a Constituency for Peace.” UN Women – Arab States, Accessed 17 Nov. 2024.

“Syria.” The World Factbook, Accessed 17 Nov. 2024.
Syria, Accessed 17 Nov. 2024.