September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Climate Change and Public Health

Country: Poland
Delegate Name: Divyana Varma

Country: Republic of Poland
Committee: World Health Organization (WHO)
Topic: Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention
Delegate: Divyana Varma
School: City High Middle School

Poland acknowledges the importance of Public safety, including climate change and public health. As a part of the European Union, Poland hopes that by 2030, reduction of gas emissions will reach 55%. The nation also recognizes those at risk because of climate change, and aims at implementing such measures to prevent that. Global responses are of utmost importance; as a collective, the impacts of climate change can be cut down. This is why Civic Coalition believes in initiatives taken by the EU, as well as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC).
In past years, the Polish government did not adequately fulfill the duties outlined by the EU. By doing this, Poland did not meet its long term agreement strategies as a part of the Paris Climate Accords, which is aimed at formulating strategies against the climate crisis and limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius This also brought forth other issues such as the fact that Poland missed out on funding from the EU needed to improve their environment. Additionally, Poland also has a dependency on coal which negatively impacts public health by contributing to the air quality. 70% of Poland’s power is from coal, and they use the most coal out of anyone in the EU. Fossil fuels also account for as much as 85% of Poland’s energy. The EU’s 55% plan by 2030 received backlash from the previous Polish Government, making it harder to accelerate to a healthier environment. This resistance of renewable energy resources is something that Civic Coalition would like to stray away from. Rather, the party focuses on aligning with the EU’s ambitious plans and wants to move towards a sustainable future. Poland has all the potential to get ahead and reduce emissions. In 2022, they were responsible for 60% of the EU’s emission reductions by limiting Carbon Dioxide emissions in the power and heating sectors. To further this, the new coalition hopes to develop more nuclear and renewable energy sources, and achieve complete decarbonization.
To limit the harmful impacts of climate on the UN’s countries and people, Civic Coalition has a series of propositions to overcome any challenges that might be posed. The first of which is to develop both offshore and onshore wind farms and to develop power grinds. This wind power is already beginning to account for the 80% dependency on fossil fuels for electricity that Poland has. Poland also plans to move at a faster rate in accordance with the EU, even planning to reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions by 75% at the end of the decade. In order to do this, substantial funding must be put forth, and lots of funding is already needed to maintain the Paris agreement. With this money allocated, funds will also be directed towards nuclear energy. Nuclear energy can heavily reduce carbon emissions, and take the place of coal plantations. Because coal is a leading issue, being responsible for Poland’s air pollution, the importance of nuclear energy is at a high. Other countries that emit lots of carbon should also consider nuclear energy as a solution. The government, however, acknowledges the risks that may arise from using radioactive energy. All in all, Poland is dedicated to strategizing with members of the UN to produce a plan that will combat the lasting effects of climate change and conform to duties lined out in the Paris Agreement.