September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Repatriation of Refugees

Country: Mexico
Delegate Name: Oscar Gomez – Gutierrez

Oscar Gomez – Gutierrez
City High Middle School
Human Rights Council
Repatriation of Refugees

Mexico believes that repatriating refugees back to their countries should be a safe process. In 2021, 147,000 undocumented immigrants were registered in Mexico. Mexico believes this is highly important because those individuals have to be safely transported back to their home countries if the conditions in their country are safe. But, if their countries’ are not safe, they should have the ability to develop a safe and comfortable life in Mexico.
In 2018, Mexico released a statement saying that all undocumented immigrants are to be carefully considered to be brought back to their home country if conditions were safe. Recently in 2022, the president of Mexico, Manuel Lopez Obrador, stated that “Mexico is a safe place”, implying that it is a welcoming place for everybody and it is open to receive refugees from all nations including Russia and Ukraine, since Mexico wanted to take their people back to their home country away from war. While the Mexican government claims to care for human rights, the media thinks otherwise. For example, 192 undocumented adult migrants and 54 minors slept on sidewalks. According to Mexico’s INM (Ministry of the Interior) the migrants were arrested. The Mexican president said he was unaware of the circumstances and assured that his government is “protecting migrants and ensuring that their human rights aren’t violated.” The headquarters of the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance in the city of Tapachula was the place where crowds of migrants arrived in search of refuge. Frances 24 says that Luis Garcia Willagran, a member of the Center for Human Dignity, assured that “the Mexican authorities were condemning people to stay up to a year in a city that has no way of being able to sustain the overpopulation.”
Since 2017, Mexico has participated in a National Action Plan called the Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework. This plan is made to serve children and adults with better resources with job, education, livelihood, and protection benefits. Two of the commitments that Mexico highlighted to work on were women’s health care and basic education, as well as higher middle education. Mexico has support from many organizations including the Ministry of the Interior, Child Protection Authorities, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, and many more. These organizations are helping refugees safely return to their home countries, as well as creating a safe and comfortable life in Mexico. Overall, Mexico’s National Action Plan hopes to achieve peace and unity for migrants and Mexican citizens.
