September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Human Trafficking

Country: India
Delegate Name: Evangeline Harris

Topic B: Human Trafficking
“Human trafficking among children in India has been on the rise since the COVID-19 pandemic. New Delhi alone has seen a 68% surge in trafficking cases since the global lockdown. Many of these cases go beyond abduction as children are used as labor.“ This global crime has a significant impact on India as a source, transit, and destination country. Exploitation, such as slavery, organ trafficking, and forced labor affects particularly women and children. Regarding its commitment to the UN’s goals to end human trafficking, India acknowledges the pressing need for a united international response to this epidemic.
The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, is something that India supports. However, ongoing difficulties necessitate additional national and international actions to improve prosecution, prevention, and protection. Through legislative and policy frameworks, enforcement and coordination, and victim support and rehabilitation, including a bill that offers a strong legal foundation to combat trafficking and support victims, as well as cooperative efforts with neighboring countries that concentrate on cross-border trafficking prevention, India has taken proactive measures to address human trafficking. India feels that international action is necessary for eliminating human trafficking. The UN must keep up its financial and technical support, but member nations—including India—must be responsible for putting policies into practice and making necessary adjustments locally. The international community can tackle this situation holistically by integrating preventive measures, international cooperation, and strong assessment systems. As a moral requirement and a pillar of human rights protection, India urges member nations to make the fight against human trafficking a top priority.

Chibber, S. (2024, April 8). Child Trafficking and Child Labor Continues to Plague India. Retrieved from Human Rights First website:
Parker, L. (2022, May 16). Human Trafficking in India. Retrieved from The Exodus Road website: