September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Unpaid Care and Domestic Work

Country: India
Delegate Name: Fiona Rodrigues

Domestic care can range from cleaning to taking care of children but regardless, unpaid care and domestic work is a serious problem. It keeps women out of economic jobs which are jobs that could really advance women in society rather than be put in a shadow. In our constitution we guarantee all men and women equal rights, but we would always love to further this equality our nation stands for.
Unpaid care is really good and helpful to the economy because our economy would crumble if we did not have unpaid care, most people cannot afford it. merely 22 percent of women are engaged in the workforce, and out of them, 70 percent are associated with the farm activities that are informal in nature with little or no economic remuneration or social recognition and almost zero access to social protection. We see this as a very large problem here and we would love to find a solution for these issues. This kind of work that renders women invisible is only setting back the feminist movement. On an average, across the globe, men spent 83 min in unpaid domestic work while women spent 265 min, i.e., more than three times the time spent by men. However, in India, women spend around 297 min, whereas only 31 min are spend by men in domestic work.
This sort of discrimination is happening due to many societal norms in india and also the caste system. India has officially disavowed the caste system and we remain that way. Unfortunately, there are still some lingering effects of that system in our community, this could be a cause for this issue. We are the most populated country in the world! We have over 650 million women in our country. India is proud to be apart of the UN women and we are proud to support women with this which is why we want to work to improve conditions on this issue across this world and in our own country. Thank you.