September 16, 2019
 In 2023-De-escalation of Sectarian Conflict

Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Roziya Rustamova

Sectarianism often refers to a form of discrimination, hostility, and can lead to conflicts between people of different religion, ethnic and cultural groups. Sectarian conflicts can occur in various ways, such as social, political, and even violent confrontations, rooting from historical, and religious differences. The United Nations plays a major role in de-escalation sectarian conflicts by employing a range of diplomatic, humanitarian and peacekeeping measures. But the United States believes that the decision to intervene should be planned out according to the severity of conflict, and the humanitarian crisis. The United States has always supported UN interventions in sectarian conflict, but also emphasizes the importance of planning a well thought out strategy, and prioritizing diplomacy.

Around the world, the USA is known for its religious diversity and religious freedom, but in the past there have been instances of sectarian conflict throughout its history. But despite the conflicts, compared to many regions, sectarian conflict in the US is known to be less intense, and is protected by religious freedom laws. This is due to all the effort made by the USA to better understand all the different religions and ethnic groups within the country. The USA works to improve and further de-escalate sectarianism by emphasizing on inclusivity, and by protecting individual rights. It celebrates diversity, and promotes respect among different religious and ethnic groups. The U.S. government also implements policies that protect religious freedom, and where all different groups can coexist peacefully within the country.

To de-escalate sectarian conflicts, the United States believes the UN should intervene when there’s evidence of human rights abuses, genocides, and harm against humanity. It also believes that respect for national sovereignty is vital and that innervations can result in more tensions, and escalation of the conflict. The U.S. supports UN intervention, and is willing to lend diplomatic support, financial aid, and humanitarian assistance. The United States believes that it is capable of contributing to global efforts and looks forward to working with other nations to come up with a more solid and lasting solution.