September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Militarization of Outer Space

Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Anna Crum

Committee: Disarmament & International Security Committee (DISEC)
Topic: Militarization of Outer Space
Country: The United States of America
Delegate: Anna Crum, Kalamazoo Central High School

The new frontier of space brings assets promising prosperity and security. But, with a new frontier comes new challenges. In order for the new access we have gained to space to propel us forward instead of setting us up for disaster, the international community needs to set guidelines that are both effective and verifiable. Maintaining peace and security in outer space is essential for the safety of all. According to President Biden’s Interim National Security Strategic Guidance the United States will explore and use outer space to the benefit of humanity, and ensure the safety, stability, and security of outer space activities. Competition cannot lead to conflict. As we pursue the new resources and vast knowledge of space we must set ourselves up for success. To address this topic faithfully an expansive approach is needed. We cannot continue supporting narrow and flawed agreements that do nothing to keep the international community transparent and committed to the pursuit of betterment over the pursuit of superiority. Agreements must include things like ground-based anti-satellite systems which threaten space objects that are essential to all nations’ security, economic, and scientific interests.
With the US creation of the Space Force we have committed to the responsible exploration of space. From national security to economic growth to new knowledge the United States recognizes the potential of the new frontier. Supporting the criteria recommended by the 2013 “Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space Activities”, the US will continue to work on agreements that are voluntary and create transparency and confidence. Collaboration is key for the success of us all. Agreements like the draft PPWT fall short when it comes to variability so moving forward the US would like to see a change in approach. Stockpiling and breakout capabilities were also two issues we did not see adequately addressed in the PPWT. Moving forward the US hopes to see agreements addressing these concerns and defining what qualifies as a “weapon in space”. To keep every member of the national community safe and secure we cannot allow simple differences in definition to lead to international conflict. Specifics must be present in all agreements moving forward, or they are not worth the work the UN puts in.
Future resolutions must focus on transparency and confidence building measures that cover a wide range of threats to space systems. States must refrain from destructive behaviors that damage this collaboration as we work towards the future we know is possible. National security space activities should be observed and kept within reasonable bounds. As we have already seen with Russia, damaging one satellite can cause massive repercussions, in this case space debris that endangered the international space station. As we move towards a more advanced tomorrow, we cannot abandon safety and reason. The race to space is over, we have made it, but as we continue sprinting we cannot lose sight of why we started running in the first place. We go to space for the innumerable benefits, we cannot come back down to earth having only gained enemies.