Country: Iran
Delegate Name: Harriet Ogilvie
As a fundamental human right, Iran recognized the importance of the right to organize. Iran is also aware of the many challenges that arise when addressing the right to organize due to intercepting political and socioeconomic conflicts. Iran calls for cooperation to advance the citizen’s ability to freely organize. In addition, Iran seeks to ensure protective measures.
Iran recognizes the difficulties presented as well as the limitations allowing citizens to organize. In Article 27 of the Iranian Constitution says “Public gatherings and marches may be freely held, provided arms are not carried and that they are not detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam.” Iran acknowledges the need to execute these principles. Iran notes Legal Framework bureaucratic procedures, and societal pressures have often confined citizens to organize without disruption. However, to protect against subversive elements, preserve Islamic values, and maintain social cohesion Iran postulates that it is within their right to supervise assemblies, and if necessary to disband the organized groups. Furthermore, Iran recognizes the importance of constructive communication between the government, employers, and workers’ representatives to address labor issues effectively.
With the intention of better aligning the goals of the government, employers, and workers, Iran promotes the continuation of communication in tripartite forums to address labor issues and foster cooperation. In addition to the promotion of social dialogue, Iran acknowledges the need for legal reform to protect worker’s rights. Iran endorses review legislation regarding freedom to assemble, to remove barriers to exercise these rights. Finally, Iran is committed to increasing the capacity of labor ministries, to productively enforce labor laws and regulations. This includes providing training and resources to labor inspectors and establishing beneficial grievance mechanisms to address labor disputes.
Iran reaffirms its dedication to protecting the right to organize as an essential component of labor rights and social justice. Iran is aware of the presence of challenges to implementing measures to handle these challenges effectively. Iran looks forward to constructive work to bring forth advancement in promoting and protecting this right within its borders and beyond.