September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Climate Change and Public Health

Country: Argentina
Delegate Name: Eddie Wuerthele

Committee: World Health Organization
Topic: Climate Change and Public Health
Country: Argentine Republic
Delegate: Eddie Wuerthele
School: Forest Hills Northern High School

Climate Change has always been a prevalent issue that every country faces. Humans have been a great factor in how the climate has changed and in many ways, declined, for many years. Countries in Africa suffer from floods and droughts, which leads to an increase in diarrhoeal diseases. Asia suffers from animal extinction due to the animals being unable to adapt, leading to some of the buffers between humans and diseases to be no longer.. Some Oceanian countries face extinction due to the rushing sea levels, forcing inhabitants to relocate into an environment they aren’t acclimated to. The effects of humans on climate change have substantially increased since those times – two thirds of global warming has occurred since 1975. One of the many downsides to climate change is that the warm climate can cause harmful pathogens to live in the water, thus contaminating it. Combine that with the fact that water levels have decreased, and a serious social concern has arisen, as much more people become exposed to these deadly pathogens.
Argentina is one of many countries that has gas reserves and factories, which pollute the air and damages the respiratory systems of people. As Argentina has a large coast, they are also subject to being massively affected by climate change. Argentina’s mean temperatures have just increased by 0.5 degrees Celsius. Unfortunately, they have lost a considerable amount of river flow which decreases the amount of potable water and hydroelectric power generation. Also, as heat waves increase in length, agricultural production will slow and severely hurt the economy, and less people will be able to afford healthcare. Argentina currently supports its allies Spain and Brazil on their views of climate change on keeping the environment safe for it’s inhabitants. Although off to a slow start, Argentina is taking strides to help prevent climate change by reducing greenhouse gases and carbon emissions, and is hopeful for the future state of the planet and its people.
Argentina has joined many other countries by signing the Paris Climate Accords, which is attempting to keep the increase in global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and hopefully even below 1.5. To achieve this, countries will reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and will help fund other countries so they can do the same. The goal of the Paris agreement is to work towards using more zero-carbon solutions.
Argentina believes that full cooperation between countries is vital to making significant progress towards limiting climate change. A solid percentage of funds also needs to go towards renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind power. Money also needs to be directed towards the purification of water, as it is an invaluable source, and also a limited one. For the countries that cannot afford those resources, countries with larger money supplies need to assist them. However, most of all, Argentina is 100% willing to listen to the opinions of other countries and looks forward to solving the ever-present problem that affects our planet.