September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Militarization of Outer Space

Country: Indonesia
Delegate Name: Maddy Fraaza

Maddy Fraaza
Mattawan High School
Militarization of Outer Space, as part of the DISEC
As the world continues to make advancements in technology and outer space becomes more of a
given consideration in political issues, it is critical to keep in mind the ramifications of using
space as a means of militarization. Keeping the peace in space, like any place on Earth, is crucial
to maintaining inter-country relations not just between the UN, but with the entire world. In outer
space, anything from the smallest piece of space debris to another country’s spacecraft can be
used to destroy important devices. Currently, the UN does not have a definition as to what makes
a weapon in space, and without which there is no clear line between what could be seen as
hostile advancements towards other countries. As of now, the main form of legislation regarding
the militarization of outer space is the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in
the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (Outer
Space Treaty), which was signed into effect in 1967. In the over 50 years since then, extreme
technological advancements have carried over into space exploration. It is crucial to re-examine
this treaty and update it as needed in accordance with current relevance. Many member states of
the UN advocate for peaceful use of resources in outer space that further the development of the
UN as a whole, as opposed to one specific country. Indonesia believes that, in accordance with
the existing Outer Space Treaty of 1967, space exploration should be open to and for the benefit
of all countries regardless of current resources and socioeconomic status.
Indonesia signed the Outer Space Treaty in 1967 with unbridled support, since their government
advocates for peace and strong international relations whenever possible. The treaty allows
Indonesia to keep its allies with a strong space force without a high necessary improvement for
their own, and with little to no negative effects for these actions. Indonesia realizes that without a
true space exploration to date, they are not in a high position of power for this such discussion.
However, having gained space exploration resources from countries with high stakes in outer
space, such as France, China, and the United States of America, they have influential allies
whose opinions will be held more highly in the possible revision of the Outer Space Treaty. At
this point, the best Indonesia can do is stand aside and be a strong supporting force of peaceful
space exploration, while urging its allies who share the same views to be vocal with their
proposed policies.

The delegation of Indonesia urges the other parties of the UN to examine the costs when it comes
to militarizing outer space for anything other than the collective good. In times such as these it is
easy to escalate small issues, and anything seen as hostility from opposing countries could lead
to nothing short of an all out arms race, and Indonesia encourages the rest of the UN to take this
into consideration if they so choose to amend the current treaties signed into action. Indonesia
supports the current constituents of the Outer Space Treaty regarding the prohibition of weapons
of mass destruction and the like in space, and suggests that all nations adhere to the current
guidelines, if not write stricter ones in place.