September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Human Trafficking

Country: Pakistan
Delegate Name: Nicklas Geraci

Committee: Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee
Topic: Human Trafficking
Country: Islamic Republic of Pakistan
School: Portage Central High School

Human trafficking is a genuine problem today as it leads to unwellness and can cause real harm to those who should not be affected. Human trafficking has been a problem for quite a long time but is becoming more of an issue by the day due to the increase in technology that allows people to go missing a lot easier.
Pakistan has taken measures to prosecute against, protect against, and prevent human trafficking. Various Pakistani laws criminalize sex and labor trafficking and the 2018 PTPA, as amended, criminalized sex and labor trafficking and prescribed penalties of up to seven years imprisonment, a fine of up to one million Pakistani rupees, or both. The government reported identifying 35,309 trafficking victims in 2023, compared to 21,253 trafficking victims in 2021. These included 29,334 sex trafficking victims, 3,118 forced labor victims, and 2,857 victims of unspecified forms of trafficking. These victims counted out to 25,919 women, 6,199 men, and 3,187 children.
These victims did not deserve what happened to them, and there are many ways to counteract this. Nobody deserves to be taken into human trafficking, whether it be sex trafficking, labor trafficking, or something else. This is not something that should be happening regardless of anything so we must take action and work against it.