September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Substance Abuse

Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Andrew Curvelo

Internationally each country suffers from some degree of substance abuse which harms its population through poverty, homelessness, and addiction. Substance abuse can be attributed to a multitude of factors from peer pressure to self medicating, thus the Federative Republic of Brazil believes only drug dealers should suffer harsh penalties for intent to sell, with a maximum of 15 years, while users are subject to recovery programs and community service. The overall aim is to create a stable base for a group of people characterized by instability, which is achieved through support initiatives such as Braços Abertos which offers treatment, housing, and employment to addicts
The Federative Republic of Brazil proposes foremost providing support to addicts through two primary points. Increased rehabilitation programs so addicts can more comfortably heal and return to normal life and decriminalization of narcotics for medicinal use in reduced amounts to aid the rehabilitation process. In addition, The Federative Republic of Brazil believes the best way to prevent drug use is to heavily punish the person selling the narcotics, as well as increasing monitoring of prescription drugs. Alcohol and tobacco restrictions would also help to reduce addiction to legal substances.
The best way for the WHO to provide treatment and care to addicts is by ensuring healthcare professionals can recognize and treat addiction, thus educating physicians must take place. Programs to properly inform and educate medical professionals on how to properly care for addicts should be instated; by educating doctors, the WHO is teaching the man to fish. In addition, pushing for decriminalized medicinal use would benefit addicts by making the rehabilitation experience less painful.
The Federative Republic of Brazil proposes the best way to monitor programs such as ones pertaining to the education of doctors on addicts would be a global commission to report to. A group of people knowledgeable on narcotics that manage data pertaining to narcotic use and addict recovery and make said data more accessible for a global audience. This would create the groundwork for a global community dedicated to addict recovery and drug use prevention.

Works Cited
World Health Organization. “Alcohol, Drugs, and Addictive Behaviours.” World Health Organization, 2023.
Secretariat of Social Assistance and Development – São Paulo. “Programa Braços Abertos (Open Arms Program).” Prefeitura de São Paulo, 2024. (Chat GPT used to translate)
Drug Policy Alliance. “Effective Policies for Drug Regulation and Decriminalization.” Drug Policy Alliance, 2023.