September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Indiscriminate Weapons

Topic: 2024-Indiscriminate Weapons
Country: Switzerland
Delegate Name: Jathniel Malalay

The use of indiscriminate weapons in armed conflict remains one of the most critical problems in
modern warfare, as these weapons often go against the International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
and lead to civilian casualties in the future. These weapons are designed to cause widespread
destruction with no regard for their victims, not distinguishing between combatants and non-
combatants. We must strengthen international law and accelerate the removal of unexploded
landmines in areas of conflict.
Switzerland has already made a voluntary report on the Implementation of IHL. The focus was
to set specific rules governing certain weapons, such as indiscriminate weapons. In general,
indiscriminate weapons, or weapons that cause unnecessary suffering, are banned under IHL.
Although this report has been made, there are still several cases of unexploded land mines
causing harm to civilians. In 2023, the Landmine Monitor recorded 4,710 casualties from
landmines and explosive remnants of war in 2022, with 85% being civilians, and historically, the
estimate ranged from 10,000-26,000 deaths annually. The highest number of casualties
occurred in Syria, having 834. To stop these unnecessary deaths, we must expand and
strengthen already existing treaties. International conventions such as the Ottawa Treaty on
landmines are important for banning indiscriminate weapons.
To accelerate the removal of landmines, governments of countries with high casualties or have
been a setting for conflict should implement Mine actions into their national plans, this can
ensure that efforts of removing mines relate to larger recovery strategies. Collaboration between
governments and non-governmental organizations can help gather resources, share resolutions
and improve efforts in removing mines.
The delegation of Switzerland would like for all of us to gather and implement these resolutions
that we have suggested. Not only does it remove the problem, but it can also strengthen
security to our citizens and improve our relationships with other countries.