September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Indigenous Languages

Country: Poland
Delegate Name: Emitt Stevenson

Poland recognizes the importance of cultural diversity in the modern world, in particular, the protection and preservation of indigenous languages. As a constituent of the international community, Poland is committed to the promotion and the preservation of indigenous cultures. Focusing on languages, which play an essential role in the identity and heritage of communities, is vital for the preservation of cultural diversity.

Keeping in mind the historical and cultural importance of languages particularly indigenous ones and the role they play in enhancing cultural and ancestorial understanding of all peoples. The preservation and revitalization of indigenous languages are essential for creating a society that implements social equity and support cultural heritage. Indigenous languages cannot be reduced to simple tools for communication as they are the cornerstones of unique and diverse cultures. The language one speaks embodies a plethora of views and beliefs including individuals and collective’s world views, histories, and traditions that are inherent to its speakers. Seeing as these languages are fading it is vital to protect and preserve indigenous languages and by extension culture.