September 16, 2019
 In 2022-Inequality in International Criminal Prosecutions

Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Jake Brody

Country: Federative Republic of Brazil
Committee: Legal Committee (Legal)

The adoption of the Rome Statute Treaty formed the International Criminal Court. The ICC has been heavily criticized because of its specific choice of cases which may have advanced inequality in the court. The ICC has been accused of focusing on some countries’ crimes disproportionately, and disregards other countries’ crimes completely. The United Nations has addressed this issue and wants to amend it. The ICC must continue to be a legitimate system and treat all criminals equality, holding them accountable for their crimes.
Brazil ratified the Rome Statute treaty in 2002. Brazil is a firm believer in protecting the rights of humankind and trusts in the process of justice. Brazil became the 70th state party of the Rome Statute and has been a devoted member ever since. Brazil is committed to upholding the system of the Rome Statute and wants to improve it, making it fair for all who go through it. Brazil believes in pursuing international justice and that it is important that cooperation between state parties is constant. With cooperation the court can mandate justly. Along with cooperation, Brazil firmly believes in inviting new states to the ICC. States that join multilateral treaties that promote human rights and combat impunity should be welcomed and not be chastised. The invitation of more states would lead to less bias in the legal process. Universality is key to establishing a universal criminal system for all.
To solve this issue domestically, the Working Group of Brazil has created a bill that implemented the provisions of the Rome Statute, Geneva convention, and other treaties relating to humanitarian law, and they got rid of laws that do not provide effective punishment for international crimes. Recently, Brazil welcomed the State of Palestine to the ICC, and Brazil has activated the Kampala Amendments, which help improve the international justice system.
Brazil has many possible solutions to the inequality of the ICC. First, there must be better cooperation and communication between the 123 states of the Rome Statute. Once this is achieved, cases will be more fairly prosecuted. Second, there must be more countries (states) in the ICC. The ICC must continue to encourage the signing of the Rome Statute by countries who have not already signed it. The involvement of more states will lead to more perspectives on cases and further equality of the system. A proper and just trial must be accessible to everyone. The last solution that Brazil will propose is more funding to the ICC. With more funding, the ICC can recruit more states to the Rome Statute. More funding would hopefully lead them to be more cooperative with the rest of the states. Once again, Brazil is proud of being a founding member of the ICC and wishes to continue to improve this vehicle of justice for all.