September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Balancing Human Rights

Topic: 2024-Balancing Human Rights
Country: India
Delegate Name: Julia Malone

Republic of India
Balancing Human Rights and Counterterrorism

Human rights and counterterrorism are both valued in Indian policy. During our recent tenure in the Security Council, we chaired the Committee on Terrorism. India suffered from 153 terrorist attacks in 2021, causing the deaths of 274 people, 36 of whom were civilians. While India values free speech, we realize that sometimes, free speech descends into the realm of hate speech and even violence. India currently enforces the 2017 UN Security Council resolution on counterterrorism (UNSCR 2396) through watchlists, biometric data, and prioritizing information sharing, concentrating all of these efforts at points of entry to the country.

While the United Nations has traditionally measured the effectiveness of counterterrorism measures in death tolls, this measure can be ineffectual and not reminiscent of the full picture. As India, we strive for ‘zero error’ military operations that maximize efficiency and accuracy. We approach terrorism in the same somewhat pragmatic approach. India would like to see increased accuracy in current technologies to prevent the unnecessary killing of civilians, stronger monitoring systems on the Internet to prevent anti-Indian rhetoric, and stronger border security internationally. We could accomplish these goals by investing in research to improve biometric technologies, encouraging private companies to restrict violent speech, and encouraging countries to strengthen their borders to prevent international acts of terrorism. India believes it also may be wise to define terms such as ‘speech’ and ‘terrorism’ in order to prevent their improper use in future conflicts.

Additionally, a noticeable fallacy of current counterterrorism resolutions is their lack of inclusion of humanitarian groups in their combat of violence. Humanitarian groups are often the first groups to provide aid to civilians after terrorist attacks and are peaceful in motive. The inclusion of humanitarian groups in policymaking therefore provides a nuanced approach to combating counterterrorism and by working in tandem, humanitarian and governmental groups can come together to form the best solutions to combat terrorism.

India looks forward to working with all delegates in committee and is excited to see everyone’s ideas!

Works Cited
“India.” The World Factbook, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
“About NSG.” National Security Guard, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
“India.” United States Department of State, 23 Feb. 2023,,and%20the%20Libya%20Sanctions%20Committee. Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
“Ministry of Home Affairs.” Government of India, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
“Safeguarding the Indian Borders.” Indian Defence Review, 27 Dec. 2022,,personnel%20spread%20over%2073%20battalions. Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.