September 16, 2019
 In 2023-Situation in Haiti

Country: Switzerland
Delegate Name: Matthew Matola

Submitted To: United Nations Security Council
From: Switzerland
Delegate Name: Matthew Matola
Subject: The Situation in Haiti

The nation of Haiti is currently undergoing one of the most extreme political and humanitarian crises of our time and it is imperative that the UN offer its support on the humanitarian front, while remaining respectful of Haiti’s national sovereignty and right to self determination. The delegation of Switzerland calls upon this committee to direct the full resources of the UN’s humanitarian organs towards the growing humanitarian crisis within Haiti, and reiterates Switzerland’s stance that actions taken by the UN must be in collaboration with the legitimate government of Haiti in order to promote lasting stability within the nation.

Switzerland has long been an advocate and ally for Haiti on the world stage since the nation’s inception. Though Switzerland plans to withdraw from its bilateral development program in Haiti in 2024, Switzerland will continue to offer humanitarian aid and support to the nation in the coming years. Despite the end of formal development programs between Switzerland and the Haitian government, Swiss NGO groups will continue to operate within the country and Switzerland will continue to offer support in the event of future natural disaster relief efforts, as it has in the past. Switzerland has been a steadfast supporter of the World Food Programme and the Peacebuilding Fund which both provide crucial resources to those affected by the instability brought by this conflict.

The delegation of Switzerland reiterates previous actions and statements by the Security Council in its denunciations and formal sanctions against known gang members and leaders within Haiti. Switzerland commends the recent unanimous renewal of the arms embargo, Resolution 2700, passed by this council. Additionally, the delegation once again voices its support for the Multinational Security Support Mission headed by Kenya in collaboration with the legitimate government of Haiti. Despite these actions by this council, Switzerland remains appalled by the level of gang-related robbery, sexual violence, kidknapping, and corruption that has become commonplace within the nation. The rising toll and influence of gang violence within Haiti is a matter of deep concern and warrants swift and appropriate response from this Security Council. These heinous actions must not go unpunished and Switzerland calls upon its fellow members of the Security to pledge further action against those responsible for these acts. Furthermore, the delegation calls for the expansion of documentation services within Haiti to adequately monitor criminal activities and requests additional psychological aid services be made available for victims of gang violence.

Haiti’s state of turmoil is growing increasingly unstable, however, the delegation of Switzerland believes that it is well within this Council’s power to provide critical aid and services to those most affected as the nation’s legitimate leaders attempt to regain power. The delegation notes with pride the unified stance this council has taken in regards to the sanctions imposed on the gangs responsible for Haiti’s current state of unrest, as well as its ongoing pledges of support for Haiti’s people and government. The delegation of Switzerland is hopeful that this unified stance will lead to resolutions that can bring about real and lasting change within the region.

“Bilateral Relations Switzerland–Haiti.” Eidgenössisches Departement Für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten EDA,,present%20with%20its%20humanitarian%20activities. Accessed 21 Nov. 2023. “Switzerland Puts Sanctions on Haiti Gang Leaders.” SWI Swissinfo.Ch, Swissinfo.Ch, 16 Dec. 2022,,the%20government%20decided%20on%20Friday.&text=Bern%20has%20adopted%20all%20the,to%20a%20government%20press%20release%20. Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.
Hoi, Geraldine Wong Sak. “As Switzerland Leaves Haiti, Swiss NGOs Fight to Stay On.” SWI Swissinfo.Ch, Swissinfo.Ch, 24 Apr. 2023,–swiss-ngos-fight-to-stay-on/48447614. Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.
Council, The Federal. Haiti: Switzerland Adopts UN Sanctions, Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.
“Briefing Haiti.” Switzerland’s Seat in the Security Council 2023-2024, Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.
“Security Council Renews Sanctions Regime, Targeted Arms Embargo on Haiti for One Year, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2700 (2023) | UN Press.” United Nations, Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.
“Security Council Authorizes Multinational Security Support Mission for Haiti for Initial Period of One Year, by Vote of 13 in Favour with 2 Abstentions | UN Press.” United Nations, Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.