September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Israel-Palestine

Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Nina Hall

FROM: Russian Federation
Subject: Central African Republic
Royal Oak High School
Nina Hall
The UN has warned that the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been in the midst of the worst escalations between the parties in recent years, and the situation could be exacerbated by a “massive war.” The United Nations calls for an immediate de-escalation of both countries with the attacks taking place earlier this year causing thousands of casualties.
Israel stepped up its attacks in Gaza by strengthening air operations, and Hamas reportedly launched about 3,000 rockets on Israeli territory. Both actions have killed more than 230 people, a breakdown showing the disproportionate nature of Israel’s response. At least 227 Palestinians died, compared to 12 in Israel. Israel responded to an aggressive rocket strike from Gaza, but its current escalation roots can be traced back to Tel Aviv, where police were overly brutal when confronting Palestinian protesters on May 6. The situation was exacerbated by domestic political challenges to the governing bodies of both states. In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu was unable to re-establish a coalition government, and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas decided to postpone parliamentary and presidential elections because he feared losing the competition to the opposition. The outlook for a solution between the two seems thin. The United Nations calls for an immediate de-escalation of both countries.
The Russian Federation, alongside China, has taken a neutral approach to the tensions. Moscow is urging both countries to “de-escalate tensions and peacefully resolve emerging issues.” China echoed Russia’s position, asking all parties to exercise caution in order to avert further bloodshed. The Russian Federation and China are renowned for holding similar views on the United Nations as a cornerstone of global political architecture, while opposing the United States’ advocated “rules-based international order.” The Russian Federation will continue to work with China and the UN in order to de-escalate the tensions between the two regions through a “two state system.” This would split Palestine and Israel into independent states.
Throughout this conflict, the Russian Federation will continue to take a timid approach while working with the UN in order to find a solution that is effective and safe. The Iranian ambassador to Russia stated “We believe that Russia can play a very important role in this historical time period since it has contacts with resistance groups in Palestine, they come here. Russia also has good relations with Israel.”
The Russian Federation would like to re-state the importance of taking every opportunity to stop violence in these regions in order to provide political stability to this region. The Russian Federation recognizes the brutal oppression being faced by Palestinians and it’s time that nations came together to provide relief to stop the conflicts in both nations.