September 16, 2019
 In 2022-Access to Education for Women and Girls

Country: Kenya
Delegate Name: Madelyn Sheridan

SUBJECT:(Access to Education for Women and Girls)

In Kenya only 76 out of every 100 girls finish their primary education compared to 87 out of every 100 boys who complete their primary education. For every 100 high school students in Kenya only 34 of them were women. Women are disadvantaged for the rest of their lives because women in Kenya are less educated than men, this makes it harder for them to get jobs and be self-sustainable. Kenya is very determined to decrease the gender gap in education and improve itself by educating women. Providing women with an education can help reduce poverty rates, help develop the country, improve child mortality and maternal health and reduce domestic violence rates. Providing women with a proper education is the single most important thing that can be done to guarantee the future of the world. Covid-19 prevented lots of people from getting the education that they deserve and that has caused detrimental harm to children’s future. Women were already uneducated and therefore had a harder time getting a job as an adult, then add on the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic and its disruption of education and now educating women is an even more pressing issue than it was before. Kenya is currently trying to improve women’s education with the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), the goals of Education For All (EFA) and Kenya Vision 2030. The Millennium Development Goals focus on getting women the education they deserve and what women’s education can do for a country and the world. Kenya would like to complete the MDG goals and provide women with a better life. How can countries ensure that women stay in school and get the education they deserve? What laws would help increase the amount of educated women? Kenya thinks a good resolution should include funding to improve schools and provide families with money so they can afford to send their daughters to school. Another thing that should be included in a resolution is a campaign to inform people of the benefits of women being educated. Sustainable development goal (SDG) 4 from the UN is focused on ensuring that everyone has completed primary and secondary school, ensuring that all youth can read and write and eliminating the gender gap in education. They want to achieve all these goals by 2030. Including these goals as well as ways these goals can be achieved and then improving upon them would be an important thing to discuss and include in a resolution. These goals are all things that Kenya wants to achieve as well, because it is in the best interest of the entire world for women to be educated. Educating women will propel the world into the future and is one of the easiest and most cost efficient ways to solve world issues. Kenya looks forward to figuring out how to provide women in our country and all other countries around the world with the education they deserve to ensure the future of the world is equal, sustainable and safe for everyone.