September 16, 2019
 In Opioid Crisis

Country: Argentina
Delegate Name: Jasmeher Singh

The nation of Argentina notes that the growing concern for the opioid epidemic is a challenge that we must address as there has been a substantial increase in opioid-related deaths. Argentina recognizes that it is one of the highest suppliers of illicit drugs; however, the nation of Argentina has little to no poppy seeds, and the opioid market is nearly nonexistent. While the government of Argentina supports using opioids only in public health cases, the nation also realizes that many countries’ economies are dependent on opioid trafficking. Similarly to many other Latin American countries, Argentina relays heavily on drug trafficking use which poses numerous problems. The correlation between poverty and drug trafficking also needs to be examined and is essential when finding a solution to preventing the opioid epidemic. The government of Argentina understands the necessity of new policy responses in the face of this epidemic so that innocent people aren’t harmed due to drug trafficking. As of 2021, 20 innocent people have died due to organized crime and gang wars that are occurring in Argentina because of problems with drug trafficking. As a nation, we believe that ensuring innocent people are unaffected in areas where drug trafficking occurs is essential. Furthermore, Argentina is taking into account how the quality of drugs has gone down (adulteration) and how consumers have suffered heavily because of this. Adulteration (the mixing of inferior drugs) has also caused many deaths and monitoring opioids within health institutions is crucial.
The nation of Argentina is deeply concerned about how the instability of nations is affecting drug trafficking. During the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a large increase in organized crime as well as drug use. Governments became more focused on helping the economy recover rather than focusing on drug trafficking resulting in an increase in illegal opioid usage as well as other drugs. As poverty rates fell to 43.8% in Argentina there have been larger amounts of drug trafficking in high-poverty areas. Furthermore, as 65% of youth are living in poverty in Argentina, they have been more exposed to drug trafficking and opioids. Argentina believes that providing education to the general public, especially the youth who live in high-crime areas, is necessary. Additionally, informing the general population about the harmful effects of opioid use outside of medical use may help decrease opioid usage. Furthermore, ensuring that there are well-trained professionals within health clinics to inform patients about using opioids safely will help prevent the misuse of opioids. Allocating funds to drug prevention organizations will help stop the spread of drugs after the pandemic.
In addition to allocating funds to prevent drug trafficking, there needs to be more transparency within drug trafficking patterns. The nation of Argentina takes note of the increase in drug trafficking patterns especially online amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The consumption of illegal drugs has increased due to the availability of prohibited drugs on the market. Argentina strongly recommends more transparency within the drug market through different databases that can detect changes within illicit drug trafficking. This can help consumers who may not recognize the harmful effects of the drug they just bought.

Works Cited
Baisotti, Pablo A. “Drugs, Drug Trafficking, and Pandemic in Argentina.” Drugs, Drug Trafficking, and Pandemic in Argentina | Small Wars Journal, Drugs, Drug Trafficking, and Pandemic in Argentina | Small Wars Journal, 24 Mar. 2022,
“Opioid Overdose.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, 4 Aug. 2021,
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2021,