September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Israel-Palestine

Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Peter Schrier

Delegate Name: Peter Schrier
Country: Brazil
Committee: Special Political Committee
Topic: Israel-Palestine
School: Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy

With the signing of the Treaty of Versailles and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War One, England was granted the area now known as Palestine. While this area’s population was heavily Jewish, there was also a significant Arab minority. Due to attempted interference from the British, disagreement on whose holy land Palestine was, and the new arrival of Jews escaping persecution during the Holocaust, major conflict was sparked between the area’s Jews and Arabs. After a failed attempt at a U.N. peace deal in 1947, the British gave up and left, causing the creation of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948. (“Israel-Gaza Violence”) After many Palestinians objected, they were forced to flee the area, in an event known as Al Nakba, or “The Catastrophe.” There has only been more violence and simmering tension in this area since this event. In May of 2021, the tension boiled over, with Israel and Palestine sending numerous airstrikes at one another, harming Palestine more thoroughly, with an Associated Press news building notably being bombed.

Since the inauguration of Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro in 2019, (to which Israeli Israeli Prime Minster, Benjamin Netanyahu attended) the Brazilian government seems to have swayed more to Israel’s side. This contrasts previous Brazilian governments which often criticized Israel’s handlings of the Gaza Strip, and recognized Palestine as a state in 2010 (“Brazil Recognizes Palestine”). Soon after becoming president, Bolsonaro visited Israel to meet with Netanyahu, even telling Netanyahu “I love Israel,” in Hebrew (Sabino, Igor). In 2020, Brazil voted against a W.H.O. proposal which would guarantee healthcare services to Palestinian individuals in occupied areas (Abusidu, Eman 1).

In order to help Brazil’s position in the Israel-Palestine conflict, firstly Jair Bolsonaro should probably be more measured and careful in what he says and how he behaves. Saying “I love Israel” to Benjamin Netanyahu is a bit unprofessional, absolutely unnecessary, and frankly just not a smart thing to do regarding a topic which is as viciously divisive as this one. The other thing is to possibly sway back more to being less pro-Israel. There were many “Free Palestine” protests in Brazil after the events on May, 2021 (Abudidu, Eman 2), which show the opinion of much of the Brazil populace. While there is some government support of Palestine such as with Congressman, Nilto Tatto, there should likely be more even to just be a neutral government on the issue.

Abudisu, Eman. (1) “Brazil votes against Palestine at WHO assembly, Palestinian ambassador to Brazil: ‘This is contrary to what Brazil believes’.” Middle East Monitor. 14 November, 2020. ( Accessed November 24, 2021.

Abusidu, Eman. (2) “‘We are the free voice of Palestine’: Brazil and Argentina continue their support of Palestine” Middle East Monitor. 31 May, 2021. ( Accessed November 24, 2021.

“Brazil recognises Palestine.” AlJazeera. 5 December, 2010. ( Accessed 24 November, 2021.

“Israel-Gaza violence: The conflict explained.” BBC. 16 June, 2021. ( Accessed 23 November, 2021.

Sabino, Igor. “The Improving Relations between Brazil and Israel and Its Impact on US Foreign Policy.” Providence. 20 May, 2019. ( Accessed 23 November, 2021.