September 16, 2019
 In 2021-Autonomous Weapon Systems

Country: India
Delegate Name: AJ Macon

AJ Macon
Disarmament and International Security Committee
Autonomous Weapons Systems
Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy

Autonomous weapon systems are usually defined as “a weapon system that, once activated, can select and engage targets without further intervention by a human operator…” but not always. In most scenarios these systems— despite their self-manning nature— are supervised by human operators, regardless of their autonomous status. A confusion of what may or may not be considered an autonomous weapon, as well as human operators makes the question of these systems, their morality, along with their legality more confusing as days pass. As the body that discusses international security one of our main focuses should be deciding what is considered to be an autonomous weapon [system] and their place in the world.

The Republic of India has developed autonomous weapons systems over the years for the protection of the country— to combat any possible insurrection or threats of invasion. The development of autonomous weapons is simply a step that the entire world is taking forward, and India plans to take that step along with it. Autonomous weapons provide the possibility for manufacturing upkeep in the country as well as less of a dependency on other countries for arms.

An emphasis has been placed on the definition of these weapon systems, as the only way for a body to control something it must understand what it’s trying to control. A total ban on autonomous weapons systems would be ignorant to the future of the military across the globe. India is hopeful that the Disarmament and International Security Committee will look past banning weapons, and instead understand what ramifications that would have on the world.