September 16, 2019
 In 2024-Right to Organize

Country: India
Delegate Name: William Watkins

India supports the importance of protecting workers’ individual rights to organize and bargain collectively for rights, resources, and pay, due to the necessity of these rights in guaranteeing democratic and sustainable development. Throughout the world certain types of workers, such as public servants, don’t have the right to organize, in India, public servants do not have the right to participate in illegal strikes, as public servants must maintain political neutrality. However, India believes in the rights of registered and regulated unions to bargain for greater rights or compensation. India through domestic policy and international engagement, is committed to upholding and promoting that right.
India’s constitution guarantees the right to form labor associations and unions, Article 19(1)(c), through an official legal framework for registering and functioning trade unions in the Trade Unions Act of 1926. Additionally, India’s labor laws recognize and protect workers’ rights to collective bargaining and peaceful assembly, which is a principle we wish to see in laws of other nations, and would like to see the United Nations work to support nations in furthering the enactment of laws for unions.
India advocates for the inclusion of workers’ representatives in decision-making processes at all levels to ensure their voices are heard and their rights protected. This will allow for a greater and more accurate representation of the needs of workers, which is the goal of allowing workers to organize to begin with. And bringing workers into the decision-making process will help further the extent to which regulatory laws on unions can be effectively implemented. India also promotes the dissemination of information about labor laws and mechanisms for resolving labor disputes to enhance workers’ understanding and access to justice in order to further empower them to work within the system to achieve their goals.

India is committed to promoting workers’ rights to organize and collective bargaining at the international level through registered and regulated movements. And India advocates for the inclusion of strong labor provisions in trade agreements and multilateral instruments to uphold workers’ rights globally for the sake of supporting workers everywhere. India would like to see a resolution passed in the United Nations International Labor Organization support workers’ rights to collective bargaining and promote them throughout the international community.