Country: Norway
Delegate Name: Garrett Wurfel
When it comes to the physical and mental health of their citizens, Norway tends to care about that. This is due to the fact that healthcare is free for anyone under the age of 16, and to any pregnant woman, no matter the cost or age. Norway’s issues are why these issues happen, how to prevent them, and how to slow down the effects of these issues.
In the past, Norway has let Olympic athletes skip entire seasons. An example being Maren Lundby, who skipped the entire Beijing Olympics because of mental and physical health issues. Maren talked about how you have to be light for ski jumping, and that means that you have to have a strict diet. This demonstrates a root problem with some of the Olympic games. People have to alter their body just to be able to compete. Norway athletes have to prepare themselves further in advance, knowing that it’s all up to them to cover their mental and physical health issues. Especially in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, with Covid-19 being a big problem back then. Athletes have the ability to back out, or even switch professions in the Olympic games if they ever feel like it.
Norway would like to have more action done to prevent mental and physical issues. Find ways to help the athletes that are in need of help. Finally, Norway would like to find a way to stop the mental and physical health issues of today’s elite athletes