September 16, 2019
 In Wellbeing of Olympic Athletes

Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Addison Wurfel

The wellness of the Olympic athletes is very valued in Germany. A survey conducted by the Athlete365 community revealed that one in five elite athletes suffer poor mental health. Things like this should not be looked past, mental health can affect the performance of athletes which puts some athletes at an intense disadvantage.
Germany has had 27 athletes compete in the Olympics, all of which have pushed their physical and mental limits to compete in these games. Germany has found that the mental and physical pressures athletes face can cause them to turn to things like drug abuse for support. This is damaging mentally and physically for our athletes.
We must prioritize the wellbeing of our athletes, as there is no Olympics without them. This could include mandatory rest day for mental and physical health, daily wellness check in, not only from physical doctors but also therapists. Taking away funding for certain facilities can go towards funding doctors for these athletes.