September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Country: Brazil
Committee: SOCHUM
Topic: Xenophobia and Racism
Delegate: Alexa Banning
School: Williamston High School


    Today xenophobia and racism don’t seem to be a very pressing issue compared to other, but these cruel acts are worsening overtime. With the expansion of social media and the internet xenophobia and racism have  continued to become very problematic. The 2015 “Refugee Crisis.” sparked a very drastic increase in these horrors. The crisis caused the issue to be much more prevalent, following this issue only has progressively gotten worse. Overtime, man areas have become much more diverse. The vast amount of diversity has led to a great deal of discrinination, and in some cases, violence. Quesdtiions each delegate of the SOCHUM commitee mutconsider are, ¨Can migrants and minorities have their human rights, as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adequately protected in societies where xenophobic and racist ideologies hold sway? How can the United Nations combat the spread of xenophobia and racism both socially and structurally? What role do hate crimes and hate speech play in the perpetuation of xenophobia and racism?¨

    Brazil, similar to other have faced the consequences of xenophobia and racism.  While reading the UN Commission on Human Rights, a quote stated, “Racism does not exist in Brazil. Brazil is the country with the second largest number of Blacks in the world, after Nigeria. Brazil is a multiracial country and a multiracial democracy; it is not like the United States, or like South Africa under apartheid; it has no tradition of racial hatred” Though Brazilians have these strong implemattions, xenophobia and racsim are still issues. One would have to be naive to say that the laws have completely eliminated it. 

With an issue like this Brazil’s law on racism was is very severe. A person that has been charged with this crime can spend up to five years in prison. The Brazilian Criminal Code also foresees penalty to people who insult others under racial grounds.  In the constitution, racism is prohibited. These strict laws have kept order and structure within Brazil. Brazil’s law on racism was is very severe. A person that has been charged with this crime can spend up to five years in prison. The Brazilian Criminal Code also foresees penalty to people who insult others under racial grounds.  In the constitution, racism is prohibited. These strict laws have kept order and structure within Brazil.

Brazil has taken steps towards ending racism and xenophobia, but these steps haven’t been the push needed. With strong implementation of similar laws, other societies will also benefit. Brazil believes that in order to solve this drastic issue, somewhat drastic consequences must be put in place as a punishment. Individuals will only learn from their wrong doings if they have to deal with the repercussions. Brazil is interested in working with those in their G4 alliance with Germany, India, and Japan. The Portguese speaking nations are also those who we will look for. Brazil has faced this issue numerous years, but this will no longer continue. The delegates of SOCHUM must unite to create a resolution that if very beneficial. 

  • Alexa Banning