September 16, 2019
 In Articles

Country: Kuwait

Committee: United Nations Development Programme

Topic: Disaster Risk Reduction

Delegate: Faith Schafer

School: Williamston High School


Natural disasters are a problem that affect countries and their citizens across the globe regardless of their location or economic situation. Despite all the advances in technology that have allowed people to detect and predict these disasters before they come, they still cause untold damage and can destroy the lives of the people in their path. Luckily, the global community has been very supportive in assisting the countries affected by these disasters, yet the United Nations Development Programme wishes to prevent the effects of disasters before they happen so there is not as much to fix after the disaster hits. 

Kuwait is not as affected by natural disasters as many other nations are, with their prime geographical location, flat landscape and moderate temperatures. Because of this, they are not prone to the same flooding, earthquakes and tsunamis that so plague other nations. Unfortunately, these natural disasters are very serious in other places, leading to the destruction of historic lands and the homes of millions of people. The few disasters that Kuwait experiences are heavy rain and sandstorms, which can cause problematic roadblocks and in some cases, destroy homes and civil buildings. Luckily, neither of these problems have caused problems large enough for Kuwait to struggle enough to require aid or out-of-country assistance. 


Kuwait suggests that the United Nations Development Programme collect a sort of “insurance” from all nations in order to create a fund to use for particularly nasty and costly disasters. That way, even Kuwait can get assistance if they experience a vicious sandstorm sometime in the near future. The countries that contribute 0.2 % of their GDP to the fund could use it in case of an emergency after petitioning the UNDP, and then if they are approved, the UNDP can figure out how to help rebuild after the disaster with preventative measures as the number one concern so that the effects of a future storm or disaster shall be lessened. Of course, disaster prevention even before a disaster hits is key and should be encouraged above all other factors- dams should be built in areas prone to flooding and countries should enforce the evacuation of their citizens when alerted of an upcoming tropical storm. Though it will cost a lot to try and prevent these disasters, it will eliminate the even heavier damage costs that will occur after a disaster the country was unprepared to face.

  • Faith Schafer